I am not subscribing New Cycling magazine, but reading them at my
LBS. In 1980s-90s, it regularly introduced the subscribers'
bicycles and some were published as a book" Mamonotati" on which
were many Toei bicycles . I highly recommend you to get a copy.
It costs about $20- plus shipping. I asked the publisher its
availability and I know it is still in stock and he is willing to
deal with foreign customers.The site of the publisher is here;
Takao Noda
Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
> On the Toei page (http://www.cyclesdeoro.com/Toei_main.htm),
> there is mention of New Cycing magazine. Does ANYone know
> how to get a copy of this magazine? It looks pretty
> judging from the pictures of that Toei.
> Oh, if you look at:
> http://www.cyclesdeoro.com/
> Repeat after me, "I do not want another bike, I do not want
another bike..."
> --mc
> --
> Mark Chandler Concord, CA velo@value.net
> http://value.net/
> http://www.topica.com/
> http://www.topica.com/