Hello to all, I am new to this group but have enjoyed what I've read. My name is Craig Griffith and I've been a avid cyclist since I was a boy. I am interested in bikes from the 70's and earlier. Examples of what I have are Cinelli, Allegro,Hetchins. I have already learned alot from you all Thanks ! I have an early french (I believe) 10spd. with Serie Legere model 45/159 lugs, with braze ons for old style pump, one braze on (right) side shifter, Suicide front simplex, rear simplex 4spd,durax special courses 3 piece cottered cranks with simplex steel chain rings,super dural ("Lam" Mle Depose) side pull calipers, unknown aluminum flat rail seat . It once had a head plaque.I would appreciate any ideas on the age and maker. I know this is a tough one but also interesting. Feel free to ask questions Thanks Craig Griffith
> I feel the need to give all you folks a little reminder about how the
> Rendezvous list will be operated this time around and a few specific
> I hope you all took the time to read the rules upon your re-initiation to
> Nuovo list. At the risk of being repetitive, I will copy them again at the
> bottom of this message.
> Three items in this epistle:
> 1. Please sign each and every post with your full (middle not necessary!)
> real name (no pseudonyms please.)
> 2. PLEASE avoid topics which are not fairly directly related to Vintage
> lightweights. This is a judgment call I know, but new bike discussions,
> issues, riding techniques, are all not usually very pertinent to the theme
> and should be posted to another list that better applies.
> 3. I, as CR List administrator, am receiving an inordinate number of
> "returned mail" notices stating that a particular e-mail account is maxed
> and that address therefore cannot receive the CR post. I will un-subscribe
> any e-mail addresses that send back mail more than once, so please manage
> your e-mail.
> I hope you all understand that I will unsubscribe folks that do not heed
> first warning on any of these rules. I apologize for sounding
> but being on the list is a privilege not a right.
> Thanks,
> Dale Brown
> Ye Olde (middle age!) List Manager
> _____________________________________________________
> Hello vintage lightweight bike fan! Welcome to the Classic Rendezvous
> list!
> The idea for this list is to exchange information and experiences relating
> classic lightweight bikes. Here are a few rules you must abide by to
> eligible to stay on this list:
> - No anonymity please.. If you cannot be yourself and sign posts with your
> real name, please do not join.
> - For Sale (or Wanted) postings are OK, but must always include a price
> should be posted only once.
> - Please do not post picture files (jpegs, gifs, etc.) directly to the
> Instead refer list members to that pic on a web site by posting the URL
> one of many free ones out there, if need be!)
> - As a way to avoid extraneous mail and over flowing mail boxes, messages
> should be carefully considered before sending, CONCISE IN CONTENT AND
> - In order to reduce CR mail received by list members, please do not send
> "Attaboy" or "Me too" or joke messages.
> - Courteous exchanges only. Members engaging in flaming or antagonistic or
> ugly posts will be given one warning and then summarily booted from the
> The list is not intended as a debate forum; in fact, it is NOT INTENDED AS
> "CHAT LIST" at all but one in which every post contributes to the communal
> knowledge base. Passionate disagreements may not be indulged in on-list.
> - Optional upon joining, but highly encouraged, is for new members to
> a little profile of themselves: what bikes they have or wished they have,
> other experiences relative to these bikes and a bit about who they
> are...(Check out the archives for info on the rest of us!)
> - We have focussed on the approximate period from the beginning of the
> Twentieth Century, up to the early 1980s. Certain classically produced
> bikes are considered "on topic" here, but those welded, injection molded,
> glued modern wonders belong in some other mail list, not this one! Ditto
> mountain bikes & balloon tired bikes. Those items have merit, but they
> do not belong here.
> - Don't hesitate to ask a newbie question.
> Everyone starts at the beginning!
> Please contact me at oroboyz@aol.com if you have problems.
> Have fun and welcome aboard!
> Dale Brown,
> List Manager