As some of you may remember about two weeks ago we had a discussion about the ability to coldset Reynolds 753. I queried another list I'm on (framebuilders) for more feedback and I recieved quite a few responses. Mainly they said that the Reynolds rep was spreading hype about their "super" tubeset. It was correct that at the time of 753's introduction it took a different and kinder hand to align or coldset it, but it could be done. Old alignment techniques had a lot to do with string and an oak 2x4, not exactly subtle or all that accurate. The concensus was in its day 753 was harder to work with but compaired to modern tubesets it's no big deal. Also 753 was a full tubeset not just the main tubes, to answer somone elses question.
enjoy, Brandon"monkeyman"Ives
PS: If you're interested in the Framebuilders list go to:
Brandon and Mitzi's-- "Wurld uv Wunder"
Monkeyman's on going bicycle part garage sale
Nobody can do everything,
but if everybody did something
everything would get done.
-Gil Scott Heron-