I'm not so sure, Dave, 21.76mm quill and 25.19 clamp sound within the measuring accuracy and production variations of the old French standard of 22mm x 25 mm. The 22mm quills were around until the mid 80's when the French manufacturers finally switched to English steerers. The 25.0 bars survived nearly as long if not just as long.
Jerry Moos
Dave Feldman wrote:
> "Caminargent" is a French bike brand. The quill diameter would tell me that
> it's from the 1950's or earlier.
> David Feldman
> ----------
> >From: "Eric Elman" <tr4play@home.com>
> >>>>>>>The quill portion outer diameter measures 21.76mm and the hbar clamping
> area measures 25.19mm.>>>>>>>