Having finally settled in, I ventured out yesterday to ride with the 'big
boys'. There is a group of about 100 riders who gather on Sat & Sun
mornings, mostly local racers & triathletes. I think I was the only over 50
person there. I showed up on my red Masi Prestige. Got lots of gawkers, but
the best line was, with about 20 people around, one of the guys says, "wow,
Campy Record parts! When you going to upgrade that frame, man?" I think
that said it all. Looking around, I didn't see a single confirmed steel
frame there, unless a Bianchi Giro is steel--it was the closest thing to
steel that I saw. So, today I went back with my lugged Spectrum steel bike.
Again, lots of gawkers--almost like going to a racing event in an antique
car. Geez... I'm getting old. Lou Deeter, Orlando FL.