[CR]Regarding Final Remarks to Freddy

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2001 20:21:41 -0800
From: "Brian Baylis" <rocklube@adnc.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Regarding Final Remarks to Freddy

Dear friends,

Having read Freddys' second letter, I was sort of with him (and I still am) at first. The part about 'friends ripping off friends" ans so on I can go along with. If one chooses to maintain that type of relationship with ones' friends; there's nothing to prevent it. (I will give a few examples of this in action when I file my report of the San Diego Velodrome Swap Meet held earlier today). But when he got to slamming Dale, it was extremely obvious he dones not know Dale. It isn't neccessary for me to expound upon what has already been said about Dales' character. I will forgive him that much since who does not really know who he is speaking about. The rest was unneccessary. I'm kinda bummed; I thought we were going to right the boat after a minor rocking; but we sunk her instead. Oh well. But Freddy has a point that is valid from certain perspectives.

Personally, if the world were perfect by my standards; when someone had some luck or a windfall and acquired something at a really good price they would pass the good fortune on to those who would appreciate it (meaning closest friends first, secondary base of friends second, eBay third) at a modest profit and hope that the goodwill generated from such transactions would someday repay themselves in kind. It is the Karmic Law of Bike Parts Sales. There are those (like myself) who live by this law and never mind the profit potential of the transactions. I make money doing something else. Within a certain circle deals can go down like this on a regular basis and within the circle everyone treats one another the same. Most of the arguments are between buyer wanting to pay too much or seller wanting to give away the part when the buyer insists on paying! Odd little group, but that's the first circle of friends. The second circle would be the CR list or anyone you would deal with at a swap meet. Offer the item below or at FAIR market value (as opposed to eBay value) and see if you sell the item for a reasonable profit. Naturally, ones deffinition of "reasonable" and "fair" will vary from seller to seller. Shop around. Last stop, eBay. Now, I agree there are a certain few items that just have to make it to eBay for one reason or another without being offered up elsewhere first. Can't tell you that is exactly since I'm not an EBay kinda guy, but some things need to be for sale there and that's it.

The "problem" is (and to me it's not a problem; it's just the way the world is) that for the most part the "world" doesn't function like my ideal. I make my ideal work within a small circle; but outside of that the majority see business as business. And it is. So suck it up and get over it. Sometimes people take advantage of others; and sure it's not nice but use your head or don't play the game. For some bikes and bike parts are business and I'm fine with that. I even use them myself. I don't have time to chase something down for a few bucks less. Frankly, in most cases I'd rather just pay (reasonable of course) money for it. If you don't like the price, do without. Works for me. I don't buy much and sell virtually nothing; so to be perfectly honest most of this price thing doesn't effect me at all. But if you're out there sucking up vintage bike stuff like a black hole, the bottom line in dollars and cents will probably be an issue.

So in closing, I feel much as Freddy does on the issue of prices and friends and so on; but fact is that the real world is mostly business and profit. I'm OK with that, since there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. It's not my thing so I do most of my few deals amongst close friends (and a few people on the list from time to time) and that's it. Once you venture out into the cold cruel world; you're on your own. Get used to it. If you feel you have to get even, become part of it.

Too bad Freddy had to go. I think I like him as a person in some ways. But he deffinitely hasn't a clue what kind of a person Dale is. Oh well, his loss.

Cheerful News of the San Diego Velodrome Swap Meet forthcomming.

Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA