Re: [CR]Looking for a surprise for my husband...

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

To: kevin weitzel <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Looking for a surprise for my husband...
Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2001 07:41:12 -0800 (PST)
From: <>
References: <>

If you don't come up with the long reach brakes (and I bet there are some out there) you might consider an off-center pivot bolt. These are sold at Bicycle Classics and at Loose Screws (both on the web). The long reach brakes might come up at Bicycle Classics too. I'm betting you'll find this. BTW, I recently bought a set of NOS long reach Campy Gran Sport brakes from Bicycle Classics, so in a pinch you could go a model down from the rest of the stuff on that Bottechia. FWIW, when I worked at Allied Cycle in Detroit in the late 70s, I put together my fair share of Bottechia's. Sadly, they were the bottom of the model line for Bottechia. The shop had sold out of all the better ones by the time I was hired and they didn't import any more.


Quoting kevin weitzel <>:
> I never write to you, but my husband loves to read the notes that you
> all
> send to eachother. Kevin is currently serving our country over seas and
> I
> don't know when he will return. I have received a letter from him and
> he
> says everything in his unit is a o.k.
> I would like to surprise him with a bike part for his return. He is
> always
> going nuts trying to find a set of ?long campy brakes?. I know that
> this
> isn't much information to go on, but I would love to find him a set for
> his
> return. Do any of you know where I can find them? He has bought and
> sold
> stuff with a lot of you bike buys. Here is some more information on
> the
> bike it is going onto... this may help.
> It is a Bottecchia(spelling?) with Campagnolo parts. The rear gear
> changer
> part says "Nuovo Record". The rest of them have "Campagnolo" in a
> fancier
> script. It has the glue tires too.
> This is pathetic...How do you guys know so much about this stuff. It
> all
> looks the same to me. I know my description stinks, but all of the
> other
> Campy(what he calls it) are too short, I guess.
> Thank you for trying. Thank you to Chris Root for your kind
> words/emails
> concerning Kevin.
> Ooooooo! On his list, it says "Long Reach Brakes---Need to finish
> Bottecchia" Does this help?
> Thank You again,
> Colleen Weitzel
> "Wife of the guy who hates French Bikes"
> P.S. He read all of the replys to me about the "French Bike" comments.
> He
> loved that correspondence. He would fly through the door and race to
> the
> computer to see who had replied that day. I know he loves you guys.
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