GREAT decal, Jim, and also interesting to note a very non-Hetchins fastback
stay treatment; don't they still use the Brampton Victor-style plate
extension of the back of the seat lug?
David Feldman
Vancouver WA
> It does seem that this is an issue for the lawyers to sort out. The ad
> misleading in its assertion that Hetchins is "back", implying that prior
> producers had ceased or abandoned the marque.
> I contacted David Miller regarding the first of the fake Hetchins I have
> seen. I was concerned because the frame in question was poorly built. We
> had to rebuild the form to bring it up to reasonable standards. I don't
> know if it was from Omega or not, I understood it to have come through
> Butler, but don't know if there is a relationship there.
> All I know, is that although I offered photos or even to send the actual
> frame to David Miller as evidence, he seemed unwilling to take serious
> action. He may have let this get away from him.
> David Miller OK'ed my customer's request that the frame be refinished with
> Hetchins decals. Something I would have refused to do without Miller's
> Although the frame looked and rode fine by the time we finished with it, I
> was uneasy enough about the whole deal to insist on the application of a
> special model name decal I made up for the bike. See photo at this link:
> Any maker who does not defend his trademarks, by preventing reproduction
> unauthorized sale of trade name decals for example, risks loosing
> use of his trademarks. We may soon see all manner of famous names knocked
> off and new makers arguing that the exclusives have been broken, because
> trade names were not maintained. When doing business in Taiwan, I was
> appalled by the widespread cloning of famous names and the delight the
> locals took in showing off the fakes. In this case, perhaps Omega feels
> market for this bikes is not adequately served, and has chosen to exploit
> legal vulnerability.
> Jim Cunningham
> CyclArtist
> Vista, CA
> ---Original Message-----
> From: peter naiman []
> Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 1:39 PM
> Subject: Fwd: Fw: C+ advert in January 2002
> This letter was sent to me by Andrew Moore, a fellow cycling enthusiast in
> the UK, with regard to Omega Cycles production of "Fake" Hetchins. If you
> are not familiar with this controversy please write me for a further
> explanation.
> With this note there is an attachment which is an ad for Omega Cycles
> includes there email address and phone number in the UK. I would encourage
> members if possible, to email letters to Omega Cycle about this issue and
> ask that they stop production of fake Hetchins and that we will spread the
> word about this issue to others in the lightweight community. Hopefully
> will either pressure them to stop production or will limit there
> so severely that they will die of from lack of business.
> If this attachment does not come through, please email Andrew Moore at
> address. <> . The phone number of the fake
> makers is 01144 1322 660 451 and the Email address is
> Lets support David Miller, the true maker of Hetchins.
> Peter Naiman
> Boston, Mass
> >From: "ANDREW MOORE" <>
> >Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 09:50:16 -0000
> >
> >Dear All
> >
> >Attached is an advert from Omega Cycles with regards to what best can be
> >discribed as a copy of the original and at worst a FAKE. The advert
> >to be mistaken with regards to it's comment about being back, "to be back
> >you first have to go" As we all know the geniune Hetchins has never
> >stopped trading.
> >
> >I've passed the details to both David Millar and Flash
> >
> >Happy new year to you all
> >regards
> >Andrew Moore
> >Wiltshire England
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