Re: [CR]Hetchins or Hetchin's?

(Example: Production Builders)

Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 13:12:58 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Hetchins or Hetchin's?
References: <> <v04210141b75fa6d7f632@[]> <v04210154b75fde880bcf@[]>


I am no expert on Hetchin or Hetchins OR Hetchin's, but long ago I came to the realization that if they (Hetchins) used with and without apostrophe seemingly without rhyme or reason in their catalogs and on their bikes, then that was the answer... no logical answer!

Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California (reprints, timeline & t-shirts)

Sheldon Brown wrote:
> I asked:
> >There seems to be some confusion about the orthography of this great
> >marque. Can anybody give a definitive answer?
> >
> >I've seen it both ways, and I've seen the family name of the builder
> >both as "Hetchins" (in which case the apostrophe would be an error)
> >and "Hetchin" (in which case the apostrophe could be correct.)
> Arrrrrrgh!!!
> I've received two replies to this, both via private email, so I guess
> they didn't have enough confidence to go to the list. One said:
> >Hyman "Harry" Hetchins was his name, so like
> >Colnago is just plain Colnago, Hetchins is just
> >plain anything else.
> But the other said:
> Founder - Hyman "Harry" Hetchin, who fled from Russia at age 26,
> according to sources.
> If you look at a set of early script DT transfers, there is an
> apostrophe. However, that observation is contradicted in both the
> head tube transfers and badges, as well as "fairground" style DT
> transfers - both sans apostrophe..
> So I'm no wiser than before. Hilary?
> Please, no more private email on this, the world needs to know!
> Sheldon "O Cursèd Apostrophe!" Brown
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