Also in Japan Kawamura sold bikes with the name of Nishiki (
brocade ). Kawamura was in Kobe and not so big as Bridgestone
,Miyata, National, Fuji,or Maruishi but must have had some own
factory. When I was a student , I met a girl who told us his
father was running a bicycle company and that it was in crisis.
Her family name was Kawamura and she was from Kobe. Unfortunately
I was not interested in bicycles at all then.
Among other Japanese brand names in the States,like Sekai (
world) , Katana( sword) , Takara ( treasure), Shogun( the top of
samurai), I cannot help smiling to hear the name of Azuki ( red
beans). Those days, azuki was called " red diamonds " because it
was the main item for speculation at the future commodity market
in Japan. It was possible Mr. Kawamura was gambling there !?
Takao Noda
Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
> In a message dated 7/5/2001 12:11:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> <<
> nishiki was a concocted brand name of
> Western States Imports.
> there was no 'nishiki' factory...
> similar to takara, shogun, maruishi (i think), centurion,
> and currently torelli, quatro assi, specialized, etc.
> that is: these are brands made up by importers,
> marketers, and the like.
> >>
> Almost, Rich, but you are forgiven, as it;s late here in the
> Nishiki was one of 4 brands marketed by West Coast Cycle
(later Derby/Darby
> and before that BPDI - Bicycle Products Development Inc)
> The other brands were windsor (mexico), Azuki, and Cycle Pro
> Jim Hansing was a principle (brother to Bob of euro Asia)
> Leo and Howie Cohen were a part, Howie later to go to Kuwahara
(ET movies
> fame) not to bve confused with Kawamura, the rather exclusive
builder of
> Nishiki/Azuki.
> Later models were sourced by Merida, of Taiwan.
> Not much comparison, the Japanese bikes were better.
> Larry Black