On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 OROBOYZ@aol.com wrote:
> Special thanks to Bob for building a neat resource for Schwinns at:
"Building" is the key word here as the site is really not ready for
release. Maybe if I spent less time with the BOBishBikesForSale list ...
nah, gotta do what's fun for the moment and switch to something else.
> http://www.geocities.com/
Actually http://www.geocities.com/
> I was a little frustrated to click back into many pages that are not built
> yet (Maybe remove links until pages filled?) but there obviously will be a
> lot of neat info there when completed!
I was hoping to fill these faster than I have. Sorry for the frustration.
> The components on these bikes were 100% Japanese so OE was never Unicanitor
> nor Brooks, at least not in the unopened box. Dealers may have fiddled with
> them after the fact. The saddles were Japanese copies of the Unicanitor.
> (YFC? or similar?) The bars again were nice versions of Randonneurs but
> Japanese sourced.
The spec sheet http://www.geocities.com/
If someone takes the tape off the bars of their Voyageur and can report back on any branding, let me know.
Thanks Dale for the feedback!
I know very little of the Schwinns of this era and did the site in order to learn. Any errors, omissions (and/or frustrations) that you'd like to report, please do.
If I can discipline myself to do 5 or 10 page scans and *then* the BOBish list, then maybe this will eventually get done.
Bob Hufford
Springfield, MO