Check out Airbrush Action magazine at your local bookstore. They have a center section with a variety of video titles and books for sale that detail pinstriping and custom painting that could suit your needs.
For pinstriping equipment, I found it easiest to use a Paasche FP 1/32" Flow
pencil with a gravity cup (
In general, the more complicated the lug design, the more difficult the pinstriping job. The trick is to make sure that your background color on the frame is preped and fully compatible with the pinstripe color your are applying to to prevent a chemical reaction. For example, enamel/enamel, laquer/laquer or laquer/enamel or enamel/urethane. (Try to stay with the same manufacturer and paint brand if possible) Be sure to thin the pinstripe paint enough so it will be easy to apply. Some people advocate using a artist paintbrush, but I always had problems with this (fat finger mistakes)...
Regards, Steve Neago
> I've got a mid-70's HR Morris coming in from Hilary pretty soon.
> Yellow paint, minimal decals. I want to Britify it with lug lining and box
> pinstripes. The lugs are no problem but the boxes are another matter.
> know the tricks for keeping them straight and clean?
> Craig "Waiting with railroad pens and Testors in hand" Montgomery
> Tucson