Re: cyclocross was Re: [CR]Is this a classic or not?

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

From: "Wspokes" <>
To: <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: cyclocross was Re: [CR]Is this a classic or not?
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 19:39:56 -0500

Evening Chuck

I have a 1992 Bianchi Project bike, lugged double butted cro-mo that I also consider very classic due to the parts and the set up which fits nicely in with every bit of the time line. cro-mo lugged, bar end shifters, etc... I have to agree that the area of where classic and non-classic gets very gray at times and hard to differentiate. Therefore one mans classic is another mans modern. Case in Point, I started cycling on my first serious road bicycle( a schwinn premis) in 1988 and it seems like a very long time ago compared with what components and parts and bikes that are flooding the marketplace nowadays.

I will also say the feedback I am getting about older cyclocross bikes is exactly what I was looking forward to hearing. All the gritty details. I have a autographed photo of Rol Wolfshohl, german or swiss(anyone know for sure) who is wearing a Raphael Geminiani woolie, 1950 Cyclocross world champion...I wonder what kind of machines those guys were tearing up the course on! They had to be very close to road frames with some wild tubulars no doubt specially made. I have always wanted to build up a classic crosser but have always wondered what exactly they used for components. I am getting some good answers, the more the better. Before I joined the list, I always thought it would be cool to outfit one with the campy OR equipment but I am seeing a whole new range of older equipment now. I hope the feedback continues

Walt Skrzypek
Falls Creek, Pa

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: cyclocross was Re: [CR]Is this a classic or not?

> Walt and All,
> I think the "Classic Time Line" is a bit too arbitrary for the state of
> things these days. I believe the design of a product is more important than
> the year of its introduction/production; vis-a-vis, Rivendell!!
> I think We get a bit too "hung up" on dates as far as "Classic" is concerned.
> I know this can be a very subjective topic, and perhaps that is why Dale has
> set "time limits," but it seems flexibility should be in order.....or else,
> by Our standards, could there ever be a Renaissance with bicycle frame
> production?
> By the way Walt; I have a 1995 Bianchi Cyclocross (lugged of course!) and
> consider it a Classic (especially since the new ones are tigged...or are they
> still making tigged CC frames??).
> Chuck Brooks
> Just Cogitating In....
> Malta, NY