Re: [CR]Silk Hope - 53 cm on eBay

(Example: Racing)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 20:35:22 EST
Subject: Re: [CR]Silk Hope - 53 cm on eBay

In a message dated 1/30/2002 8:14:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, youngc@NetReach.Net writes:

<< this one is a beauty:<blah>

This one hasn't suffered a garish repaint like the last specimen seen on eBay. Hope it goes to a good home. >> Chas: Now that you have outed this one, I am copying a response I just sent Greg:

<< writes:

<<T here is a Silk Hope on ebay (Item #1802185578) that I'm interested in, and the seller gave me the following info.

First, were all Silk Hopes custom made? This one apparently has 44cm chainstays. >>

Yes they were all custom and 44 cm chain stays (17") are probably not that unusual for that period, early to mid 1970s. He didn't make as many pure dedicated racing bikes as he did "road bikes" which are probably more like modern Randonneur bikes? In any case, he made them to do what ever the client wanted!

The direct "shot in" seat stays are a very trick exercise in metal work. The Silk Hope's often had a blind threading ie you didn't see the other side of the seat post binder bolt. McLeans never had this time-consuming-to-make feature.

For sure though this is not a pure touring bike as then it would have tapered seat stays top eyes attached to the side of the seat lug.....

<< By the way, are these generic prugnat long point lugs, or something else?>>

No, those are extensively filed Dubois lugs the "smooth Nervex!" Those pin stripes are grotesque! McLean would roll over in his grave if he saw that! Nasty!

<< The serial no. is 21038. Any idea what year it was made? >>

I do not yet have the key to that puzzle but I think it must be either 1973 or 1978. I need to check all the serial numbers on my Silk Hopes and McLeans, as I have a fair idea og eachs manufacture year........

<< It has a sloping fork crown.>>

Most or many Silk Hopes had full sloping, integral fork crowns. "Cinelli style" is what people used to call that but in fact it is a very British crown and not much like a real Cinelli.

Dale Brown
Greensboro, NC