[CR]Re: Thanks Brian

(Example: Framebuilders:Jack Taylor)

From: <brucerobbins@supanet.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Cc: rocklube@adnc.com
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 12:29:21 +0000
Subject: [CR]Re: Thanks Brian


Your nice words are greatly appreciated. Obviously, the list consists predominantly of American members and in the past it has sometimes felt like a struggle to have Scottish bikes recognised but your gracious comments have shown that the situation has definitely changed.

To reiterate what Bob said, you're welcome over here any time. And that goes for everyone else, too!

I've noticed that we have a couple of things in common apart from your Scottish ancestry. I agree that Rene Herse bikes seem just a cut above everything else and the $79 in your account is matched almost exactly by the £80 in mine!

I'll renew my efforts to get the Scot frame in need of repair for you. I gave up as Christmas approached as I could never get my days off to dovetail with those of the owner who lives about a 90 minute drive from me. The frame is still hanging in his garage with the hole in the seat tube no doubt getting bigger by the day...

Regards, Bruce

> > From: Brian Baylis <rocklube@adnc.com>
> > Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Flying Scot
> >
> > bruce,
> >
> > This is one of the many great things about this list. Certainly I had
> > heard of such a frame over the years, but had never seen one in the
> > flesh. Having recieved my first Flying Scot from Bob Reid in a primer
> > condition, I will also have the pleasure of seeing the raw metal as soon
> > as I get into it. I am looking forward to my second one from you, as
> > soon as my bank account (currently at $79) recovers to the point that I
> > can send you some money. Again I will have an opportunity to appreciate
> > the design and craftsmanship of these fine bikes as I effect a repair on
> > the frame prior to refinishing. Can't afford a complete original one
> > like Dales', but I'm perfectly happy being a part of the resurrection of
> > these two frames for my collection.
> >
> > The more we interact, the more I like you guys. My personal goal is to
> > visit the UK and meet you guys in person. Within a short period of time
> > you two along with Ray and Martin have warmed me up to many things from
> > your part of the world in a way I was not expecting. I think is is on
> > account of having you guys as real people pitching for wider exposure
> > and appreciation of frames made by your countrymen. How can I thank you
> > enough?
> >
> > I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing more about the many lesser
> > known frames of high quality that we over here know too little about. It
> > is quite clear to me as a framebuilder that the quality of at least the
> > Flying Scot is equal to a Masi for sure. Personally, I have to classify
> > the Rene Herse as a bit more labor intensive than the others on account
> > of the extreme amount of filing and self made parts and other features
> > they incorperate. Aside from that, the quality of the craftmanship has
> > to be considered equal. Were it not for you guys over there, I'm sure
> > most of us would have missed these gems. And for such reasonable prices!
> >
> > So without getting too mushy and emotional, I'd like to say to all of
> > you Brits and Scots (and anything else I might miss) how much I
> > personally enjoy having you guys on the list. Your contributions are
> > valuable to us beyond your imagination. If I could afford it I would
> > book an extended vacation to the UK just to hang with you guys, search
> > out bikes and Premier drumkits (of which I have the largest personal
> > collection of in the world at 20), and soak in the culture. Perhaps
> > someday. In the meantime, I will be happy just knowing you guys. You
> > blokes are GEAR!
> >
> > Brian Baylis
> > La Mesa, CA
> > Proud of my English and Scot heritage more now than ever.