[CR]Re: Dream mix-n-match gruppo

(Example: History:Norris Lockley)

From: "kevin gosney" <kevingosney10@hotmail.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 04:44:11 +0000
Subject: [CR]Re: Dream mix-n-match gruppo


Just for kicks, imagine yourself in charge of your favorite Euro team of the 70s-early 80s. Campy and Shimano don't exist, but all of the other small players do. If sponsorship was not a deciding factor, how would you spec the team road bikes to last a season? Choose any mix of components from among, but not limited to the following: Mavic, Modolo, OMAS, Edco (dubied), Gipiemme, TTT, Maillard, Berrelli, Simplex, Everest, Zeus,CLB, Galli, Fiamme, ITM, MAFAC, Stronglight, Nervar, Universal, Nisi, Martano. Assos...... Just curious.....

Kevin, "can you ever had too much Campagnolo NR/SR stuff?" Gosney

&nbsp;&nbsp; ------------------------------------------


&gt;From: classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org

&gt;Reply-To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;Subject: Classicrendezvous digest, Vol 1 #1047 - 23 msgs

&gt;Date: 14 Jan 2002 19:08:57 -0800


&gt;Send Classicrendezvous mailing list submissions to

&gt; classicrendezvous@bikelist.org


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&gt; classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org


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&gt;When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific

&gt;than "Re: Contents of Classicrendezvous digest..."





&gt;Today's Topics:


&gt; 1. Re BSA HUB (Helen Macvean)

&gt; 2. Ebay outing (Steven Sweedler)

&gt; 3. Re: DNP components?? (Bob Reid)

&gt; 4. Re: Campagnolo question (Hugh Thornton)

&gt; 5. Re: Campagnolo question (Fred Rafael Rednor)

&gt; 6. Falcon-built Merckx on eBay (youngc@NetReach.Net)

&gt; 7. Old Peugeots (Art Smith)

&gt; 8. for sale (Richard M Sachs)

&gt; 9. Re: Falcon-built Merckx on eBay (David Benson)

&gt; 10. celestial origins? (cecilio felix)

&gt; 11. Used Bike Buyers Guide--B (LouDeeter@aol.com)

&gt; 12. Help (Doug Smith)

&gt; 13. Re: Used Bike Buyers Guide--B (Jerry &amp; Liz Moos)

&gt; 14. Wanted: NR Headset circa 1970 (Guy Apple)

&gt; 15. Toni Merkens track stem (feldman)

&gt; 16. Mavic Mod. E2 vs E3 (Eric Elman)

&gt; 17. WTB: campagnolo chainring fixing bolt (Roadgiant@cs.com)

&gt; 18. The Custom Bicycle..Kolin&amp;de la Rosa...ebay (J.Dunn)

&gt; 19. Re: Mavic Mod. E2 vs E3 (feldman)

&gt; 20. Re: Eisentraut models (kevin gosney)

&gt; 21. Ebay prices, here we go again... (M4Campy)

&gt; 22. FS: 52cm early 80's Calif. Masi (Paulie Davis)

&gt; 23. Re: Re: Eisentraut models (feldman)




&gt;Message: 1

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 20:04:30 +0000

&gt;From: Helen Macvean

&gt;To: "classicrendezvous@bikelist.org" ,

&gt; "reclassicbikes@aol.com"

&gt;Subject: [CR]Re BSA HUB


&gt;This is what is known as the "DP" gear, as in "dual purpose". One toggle

&gt;chain operated the two speed gear and the other moved the hub from fixed

&gt;to free.

&gt;This is a very rare hub and I have only seen one other. They were made

&gt;sometime in the mid1930s and from all accounts were not a succsess. Even

&gt;rarer still are the shifters (2) that goes with it . These were the

&gt;normal banjo type but a two speed adptation.

&gt;I think BSA also offered a handle bar shifters too


&gt;Regards Pete Paine





&gt;Message: 2

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:08:03 -0500

&gt;From: Steven Sweedler

&gt;Reply-To: sweedler@mail.plymouth.edu

&gt;Organization: Plymouth State College

&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;Subject: [CR]Ebay outing


&gt;Here's one of the Cycling History texts. Thought it would be of interest. only 5

&gt;hours left. Steve





&gt;Message: 3

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 20:53:36 +0000

&gt;Subject: Re: [CR]DNP components??

&gt;From: Bob Reid

&gt;To: ,

&gt; classicrendezvous


&gt;In short - don't touch them - they are pure Junk


&gt;The only company to make Hyperglide compatible freewheels that don't index.

&gt;Out and out Junk either way.......


&gt;Sorry if I've offended DNP fans !


&gt;Bob Reid




&gt; &gt; From:

&gt; &gt; Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:35:28 -0500

&gt; &gt; To: classicrendezvous

&gt; &gt; Subject: [CR]DNP components??

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; What the heck are DNP components? I acquired a box of old Bike JUNK from a guy

&gt; &gt; and while coursing through this box I have come across only a few usable

&gt; &gt; items. There were some skewers, mostly skewer pieces, a Suntour bar-con

&gt; &gt; shifter (only one), many bits and pieces of suntour derailleurs (enough to

&gt; &gt; make one freaksish looking but non working derailleur), a Celeste T.A. bottle

&gt; &gt; cage, and the only derailleurs not broken are these DNP derailleurs. They look

&gt; &gt; like expendable JUNK. Are they?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; Walt

&gt; &gt; Falls Creek, Pa

&gt; &gt; _______________________________________________

&gt; &gt; Classicrendezvous mailing list

&gt; &gt; Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt; http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous





&gt;Message: 4

&gt;From: "Hugh Thornton"

&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;Subject: Re: [CR]Campagnolo question

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 17:23:02 -0500


&gt;You may be right about the Pista cranks, but that is not my experience:

&gt;however mine are currently at the bottom of a shipping crate and it will be

&gt;a while before I can dig them out. Mine are the earlier 144mm BCD and were

&gt;fitted to a 60's Condor Barracchi with the rest being standard Nuovo Record

&gt;road group. Both cranks are marked Pista. However, I decided to fit double

&gt;chainwheels so swapped the Pista Cranks for Strada cranks of the same

&gt;vintage and did not have to change the axle. The cranks looked pretty much

&gt;the same and if the axle had been much shorter, the chainwheel on the Pista

&gt;cranks would have rubbed the chainstays -- in fact it was close enough that

&gt;i assumed the Strada inner ring would rub, so I didn't bother to try it

&gt;until I had got hold of a new bottom bracket, which I ended up not using.


&gt;Hugh Thornton

&gt;nr Crewe UK



&gt; &gt;From: "Questor"

&gt; &gt;Reply-To: "Questor"

&gt; &gt;To: "Tom Hayes"

&gt; &gt;CC: "classicrendezvous"

&gt; &gt;Subject: Re: [CR]Campagnolo question

&gt; &gt;Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 09:42:36 -0500

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;Hi Tom,

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;Campy "Pista" cranks were specifically built for track use and have

&gt; &gt;different shapes to save weight and allow closer mounting to the frame.

&gt; &gt;This is also why Pista axles are narrower that Strada axles - to save

&gt; &gt;weight.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;Regards, Steve Neago

&gt; &gt;"Enjoying sunny breakfast time in Cincinnati, OH"

&gt; &gt;----- Original Message -----

&gt; &gt;From: "Tom Hayes"

&gt; &gt;To:

&gt; &gt;Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 7:07 AM

&gt; &gt;Subject: [CR]Campagnolo question

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; Is the left arm of a Campagnolo Pista crankset (undated) supposed to be

&gt; &gt; &gt; marked Pista as the right side is? And if it is, what is the difference

&gt; &gt; &gt; between a Pista left arm and a "regular" one?

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; Thank you.

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; Cheers.

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; Tom

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; Tom Hayes



&gt;Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com





&gt;Message: 5

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:46:19 -0800 (PST)

&gt;From: Fred Rafael Rednor

&gt;Reply-To: fred_rednor@yahoo.com

&gt;Subject: Re: [CR]Campagnolo question

&gt;To: Hugh Thornton ,

&gt; classicrendezvous@bikelist.org



&gt; For whatever it's worth, here's what I see from examining

&gt;the spindles (and from recollections of days gone by): the

&gt;Pista BB is identical to the later 111mm, symetrical road

&gt;spindles such as the early '90s Chorus. In some situations

&gt;it will work with NR arms, much the same way as NR triples

&gt;sometimes would work with the BB meant for a double.

&gt; I don't remember any real differences between the Pista and

&gt;Strada crankarms - beyond the fact that Pista arms lacked the

&gt;supporting metal for the inside chainring. But then, I don't

&gt;have one to examine at the moment either.

&gt; Best regards,

&gt; Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia




&gt;Do You Yahoo!?

&gt;Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!





&gt;Message: 6

&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;From: youngc@NetReach.Net

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 17:47:11 US/Eastern

&gt;Subject: [CR]Falcon-built Merckx on eBay




&gt;Here is a 53-cm example of the Merckx-labeled Falcons recently discussed on the

&gt;list. This may be the "upscale" model given that the forks and stays are half

&gt;chromed and the lugs look to be pretty nice longpoints.


&gt;I have the cheapie model with chunky, unthinned lugs, no chrome and no

&gt;derailleur hanger on the right dropout. Note the seatstay attachment; not the

&gt;wrapover commonly used on older Falcon frames. Might not be a bad rider if it

&gt;is 531 straight gauge.


&gt;No connection, etc.


&gt;Charlie Young







&gt;Message: 7

&gt;From: "Art Smith"


&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 16:42:17 -0700

&gt;Subject: [CR]Old Peugeots


&gt;A couple of Peugeots out of Argentina. For my money I would rather have

&gt;these than all of the high end PX-10's. I wonder what these will go for and

&gt;I wonder if these are too old to be of any interest to the French-loving

&gt;Japanese buyers?


&gt;Art Smith

&gt;Phoenix, Az











&gt;Message: 8

&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 18:44:13 -0500

&gt;From: Richard M Sachs

&gt;Subject: [CR]for sale


&gt;campagnolo steel/chrome plated toe clips.

&gt;small. medium. large.

&gt;don't settle for imitations.

&gt;$10 per pair.

&gt;plus u.s.p.s. priority mail fees.


&gt;are you interesting?

&gt;i mean 'interested'?


&gt;contact me off-list.


&gt;in Chester

&gt;50km today




&gt;Message: 9

&gt;Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 13:08:31 +1300

&gt;From: David Benson

&gt;To: youngc@NetReach.Net

&gt;Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;Subject: Re: [CR]Falcon-built Merckx on eBay


&gt;What is the item #?


&gt;AK, NZ


&gt;youngc@NetReach.Net wrote:


&gt; &gt;Folks:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;Here is a 53-cm example of the Merckx-labeled Falcons recently discussed on the

&gt; &gt;list. This may be the "upscale" model given that the forks and stays are half

&gt; &gt;chromed and the lugs look to be pretty nice longpoints.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;I have the cheapie model with chunky, unthinned lugs, no chrome and no

&gt; &gt;derailleur hanger on the right dropout. Note the seatstay attachment; not the

&gt; &gt;wrapover commonly used on older Falcon frames. Might not be a bad rider if it

&gt; &gt;is 531 straight gauge.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;No connection, etc.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;Charlie Young

&gt; &gt;Honeybrook,

&gt; &gt;PA

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;_______________________________________________

&gt; &gt;Classicrendezvous mailing list

&gt; &gt;Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;






&gt;Message: 10

&gt;From: "cecilio felix"


&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 16:16:19 -0800

&gt;Subject: [CR]celestial origins?


&gt;I skipped over a few posts, so this article in the 1/14 SFChronicle scien=

&gt;ce report might have been covered already. =20


&gt;The article included a patch of the color that caught my eye...celeste, i=

&gt;dentical to Bianchi's (by my eye). Perhaps Bianchi possessed some stella=

&gt;r knowledge? =20



&gt;Cosmos' Color is Turquoise, Scientists Say


&gt;"The universe, by definition, holds everything imaginable and then some. =

&gt; It even has color, astronomers have concluded.


&gt;If it were possible to see the universe as a whole, it would appear pale =



&gt;That is the conclusion of two astronomers from Johns Hopkins University, =

&gt;who mixed the varied hues in visible light of 200,000 galaxies on their p=

&gt;alettes and saw green. They announced the results last week at a meeting=

&gt; of the American Astronomical Society in Washington. =20


&gt;Although it takes a mixture of blue and yellow to make green in pigments,=

&gt; light sources combine in a different way. A blend of light from older r=

&gt;ed stars and younger blue stars produces what Karl Glazebrook of John Hop=

&gt;kins described as "the standard shade of pale turquoise, but a few percen=

&gt;t greener."


&gt;Glazebrook and his colleague, Ivan Baldry of Johns Hopkins, said the rese=

&gt;arch could help assess theories of star formation and evolution, one of t=

&gt;he important questions in cosmology." =20


&gt;Cecilio Felix

&gt;OaklandGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explor=




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&gt;Message: 11

&gt;From: LouDeeter@aol.com

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 19:50:13 EST

&gt;To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;Subject: [CR]Used Bike Buyers Guide--B


&gt;Over the next couple of months, I'll post the makes of frames that are in the


&gt;guide and that I have little or no information other than the name. Please

&gt;email me your comments off-line if you have information on these makes. Here

&gt;are the makes starting with B that have little or no info. Addresses or

&gt;telephone numbers would help if you have them. Lou Deeter, Orlando FL


&gt;BALLIS: France




&gt;BATES, A: England (I also have an E. G. Bates and Horace Bates listed)


&gt;BAUER: Germany. As early as the 1950s.








&gt;BEDFORD, Kelly: Custom, worked for Serotta.


&gt;BERGA: Italy


&gt;BERMA: Columbus tubing.


&gt;BESPOKE: England.


&gt;BEVILAQUA: Italy. Named for racer from mid-century.


&gt;BICKERTON: England


&gt;BIRD, Alec: London, England


&gt;BIRD, Ken: London, England.






&gt;BOSOMWORTH, Eddie: Rotorua, New Zealand.


&gt;BROWN, Phil: PH Brown frames.


&gt;BROWNING, Michael:


&gt;BRUN, Jean:




&gt;BSA: England


&gt;BURTIN: Switzerland.



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&gt;Message: 12

&gt;From: "Doug Smith"


&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 20:23:31 -0000

&gt;Subject: [CR]Help


&gt;Can anyone indentify origin and period of my Polygon caliper brakes.Has =

&gt;AF730 marked on rear of main arm and dome pointed nuts. Was there any =

&gt;levers to make up the brake set of these ?=20

&gt;Thanks for any forthcoming information.


&gt;Dorset .England =20



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&gt;Message: 13

&gt;From: "Jerry &amp; Liz Moos"

&gt;To: ,

&gt;Subject: Re: [CR]Used Bike Buyers Guide--B

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 19:09:58 -0600


&gt;Was "Bespoke" an actual marque? I thought this was a term used in older UK

&gt;industry jargon, meaning roughly "custom built".



&gt;Jerry Moos

&gt;Hosuton, TX


&gt;----- Original Message -----



&gt;Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 6:50 PM

&gt;Subject: [CR]Used Bike Buyers Guide--B



&gt; &gt; Over the next couple of months, I'll post the makes of frames that are in


&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; guide and that I have little or no information other than the name.


&gt; &gt; email me your comments off-line if you have information on these makes.


&gt; &gt; are the makes starting with B that have little or no info. Addresses or

&gt; &gt; telephone numbers would help if you have them. Lou Deeter, Orlando FL

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BALLIS: France

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BARELLIA:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BATES, A: England (I also have an E. G. Bates and Horace Bates listed)

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BAUER: Germany. As early as the 1950s.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BAYARD:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BCARRE:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BECKETT

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BEDFORD, Kelly: Custom, worked for Serotta.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BERGA: Italy

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BERMA: Columbus tubing.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BESPOKE: England.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BEVILAQUA: Italy. Named for racer from mid-century.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BICKERTON: England

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BIRD, Alec: London, England

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BIRD, Ken: London, England.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BLT:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BOETTCHER:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BOSOMWORTH, Eddie: Rotorua, New Zealand.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BROWN, Phil: PH Brown frames.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BROWNING, Michael:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BRUN, Jean:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BRUTTO:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BSA: England

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; BURTIN: Switzerland.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---

&gt; &gt; multipart/alternative

&gt; &gt; text/plain (text body -- kept)

&gt; &gt; text/html

&gt; &gt; ---

&gt; &gt; _______________________________________________

&gt; &gt; Classicrendezvous mailing list

&gt; &gt; Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt; http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous

&gt; &gt;






&gt;Message: 14

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 17:09:52 -0800

&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;From: Guy Apple

&gt;Subject: [CR]Wanted: NR Headset circa 1970


&gt;Hi CR List Members,


&gt;I am looking for a Campy NR Headset circa 1970 for Legnano frameset.

&gt;The headset must be cosmetically in "very good" condition (does not

&gt;have to be perfect) without any deep scratches or gouges. I don't

&gt;mind working on the parts to improve their finish. Functionally, the

&gt;thing does not have to be perfect, well cared for miles are OK.


&gt;There is a "for sale" web site and their NOS price is $120, I am

&gt;willing to pay that only if I can not find the part elsewhere.


&gt;Please contact me off list.




&gt;Guy Apple









&gt;Message: 15

&gt;From: "feldman"


&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 17:20:45 -0800

&gt;Subject: [CR]Toni Merkens track stem


&gt;Sellwood Cycle Repair just posted an interesting curved steel track =

&gt;stem, brand "Toni Merkens," on ebay; all who are interested in track =

&gt;items might want to take a look. I don't have an item # yet, but there's =

&gt;always a link on the Sellwood Cycle website.


&gt;David Feldman

&gt;Vancouver, WA



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&gt;Message: 16

&gt;From: "Eric Elman"


&gt;Subject: [CR]Mavic Mod. E2 vs E3

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 20:19:49 -0500


&gt;Hello List,


&gt;Who can help by advising me on the difference between a Mavic Module E2 rim

&gt;and an E3. I have some E2's which I love, and have an opportunity to

&gt;purchase a set of E3's from a source I trust but over the pond so that I

&gt;cannot see them. Are they very similar/different/how/etc?


&gt;Thanks in advance,


&gt;Eric Elman

&gt;Somers, CT






&gt;Message: 17

&gt;From: Roadgiant@cs.com

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 20:27:03 EST

&gt;To: LouDeeter@aol.com, Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;Subject: [CR]WTB: campagnolo chainring fixing bolt


&gt;This is odd but I've lost one of the 5 chainring fixing bolts for my '73 NR

&gt;cranks. These are the ones marked 'Patent Campagnolo'.

&gt; Anyone have one of these? It's the bolt and the part it screws into.

&gt; Thanks,



&gt; Scott Smith

&gt; LA



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&gt;Message: 18

&gt;From: "J.Dunn"


&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 18:53:22 -0900

&gt;Subject: [CR]The Custom Bicycle..Kolin&amp;de la Rosa...ebay


&gt;I have this book up on ebay =20



&gt;John in Boise



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&gt;Message: 19

&gt;From: "feldman"

&gt;To: "Eric Elman" ,

&gt;Subject: Re: [CR]Mavic Mod. E2 vs E3

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 18:17:01 -0800




&gt;E-3's were wider, heavier, and since they weren't double reinforced, had

&gt;something of a history of cracking around spoke holes. The set I had also

&gt;was the most godawful tight tire fit until Rolf Vector Pros!


&gt;David Feldman

&gt;Vancouver, wA

&gt;----- Original Message -----

&gt;From: "Eric Elman"


&gt;Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 5:19 PM

&gt;Subject: [CR]Mavic Mod. E2 vs E3



&gt; &gt; Hello List,

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; Who can help by advising me on the difference between a Mavic Module E2


&gt; &gt; and an E3. I have some E2's which I love, and have an opportunity to

&gt; &gt; purchase a set of E3's from a source I trust but over the pond so that I

&gt; &gt; cannot see them. Are they very similar/different/how/etc?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; Thanks in advance,

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; Eric Elman

&gt; &gt; Somers, CT

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; _______________________________________________

&gt; &gt; Classicrendezvous mailing list

&gt; &gt; Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt; http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous




&gt;Do You Yahoo!?

&gt;Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com





&gt;Message: 20

&gt;From: "kevin gosney"

&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 02:38:07 +0000

&gt;Subject: [CR]Re: Eisentraut models





&gt;Kevin, "formerly residing in Latin America", Gosney is back on. Got a question regarding frames from Albert Eisentraut. In the late 70's what where the differences between the "Model A' and "Model B" frames . I've owned a "LIMITED" so understand that specification, but am at a loss regarding tubing, geometry, lugs, and original price differences between A &amp; B.

&gt;Any help out there?


&gt;Thanks, Cold but dry in Oregon














&gt;&gt;From: classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org


&gt;&gt;Reply-To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org


&gt;&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org


&gt;&gt;Subject: Classicrendezvous digest, Vol 1 #1046 - 7 msgs


&gt;&gt;Date: 14 Jan 2002 12:04:15 -0800




&gt;&gt;Send Classicrendezvous mailing list submissions to


&gt;&gt; classicrendezvous@bikelist.org




&gt;&gt;To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit


&gt;&gt; http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous


&gt;&gt;or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to


&gt;&gt; classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org




&gt;&gt;You can reach the person managing the list at


&gt;&gt; classicrendezvous-admin@bikelist.org




&gt;&gt;When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific


&gt;&gt;than "Re: Contents of Classicrendezvous digest..."










&gt;&gt;Today's Topics:




&gt;&gt; 1. bicycle models legnano, bartalli, binda, (roy roberts)


&gt;&gt; 2. Due to the great response, here are a few more for sale items! (REClassicBikes@aol.com)


&gt;&gt; 3. New Depature 2 speed hub year/ (Phil)


&gt;&gt; 4. FS bicycle models cont'd (roy roberts)


&gt;&gt; 5. Vintage Tire renewal &amp; restoration info needed (Questor)


&gt;&gt; 6. CR jerseys? (wspokes@penn.com)


&gt;&gt; 7. DNP components?? (wspokes@penn.com)




&gt;&gt;-- __--__--




&gt;&gt;Message: 1


&gt;&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 09:33:37 -0800 (PST)


&gt;&gt;From: roy roberts



&gt;&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org


&gt;&gt;Subject: [CR]bicycle models legnano, bartalli, binda,




&gt;&gt;Coming soon! Protar 1/9 scale bicycle models. These


&gt;&gt;are made in Italy. They are highly detailed . With


&gt;&gt;metal and plastic parts.




&gt;&gt;I will have the following models available




&gt;&gt;1938 Legnano, G. Bartali




&gt;&gt;1932 Legnano, A. Binda




&gt;&gt;1984 Panasonic Raleigh Team Bike




&gt;&gt;The cost will be $29.99 include US Shipping




&gt;&gt;Visa &lt; MC, AMEX, Discover




&gt;&gt;Please email me of list if interested






&gt;&gt;Do You Yahoo!?


&gt;&gt;Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!






&gt;&gt;-- __--__--




&gt;&gt;Message: 2


&gt;&gt;From: REClassicBikes@aol.com


&gt;&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 12:57:37 EST


&gt;&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org


&gt;&gt;Subject: [CR]Due to the great response, here are a few more for sale items!




&gt;&gt;Here are a few brake sets that were destined for ebay but may be of use to


&gt;&gt;you guys (and gals) out there?




&gt;&gt;NOS, boxed. Weinmanns finest 400 brakeset, complete with levers, gum hoods,


&gt;&gt;cables and cable clips. callipers are anodised black. Nut fitting. $70




&gt;&gt;NOS, boxed, weinmann 405, again levers, hoods cables, no cable clips. nut


&gt;&gt;fitting. $50




&gt;&gt;(Are these old enough for the list?) Shimano 600 ax Callipers and levers. The


&gt;&gt;aero centre pull type. These are used, but the callipers are in good


&gt;&gt;condition, with virtually no wear on the pads. I have no idea where you would


&gt;&gt;get new pads, perhaps you could ask the mechanics at UPS! The levers are not


&gt;&gt;very good and the hoods are poor. $40




&gt;&gt;NOS D.A.M Wooden sprint rims, made in Milan, 36 hole. still in their


&gt;&gt;wrappings. $150




&gt;&gt;TA Cyclo cross chainring with guards, 5 pin fitting, NOS, 46 tooth. These are


&gt;&gt;really nice on a single gear town bike as well. Hard to find. $35




&gt;&gt;Campag, band on Gran turisimo gear shifter. NOS. The funny looking one with


&gt;&gt;the big disk. $10




&gt;&gt;NOS Cotton Bonk bags (Mussettes), Red, or Blue with rainbow bands or White


&gt;&gt;with rainbow bands. $10 including airmail to the US. Good quality.




&gt;&gt;Post at cost unless otherwise stated.




&gt;&gt;please contact me off list. Thanks.






&gt;&gt;Martin Coopland




&gt;&gt;-- __--__--




&gt;&gt;Message: 3


&gt;&gt;From: "Phil"






&gt;&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 13:46:04 -0500


&gt;&gt;Subject: [CR]New Depature 2 speed hub year/




&gt;&gt;Anyone know what year New departure came out with 2 speed hub and top =


&gt;&gt;tube shifter!


&gt;&gt;Phil Scott


&gt;&gt;Boring Ohio






&gt;&gt;--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---




&gt;&gt; text/plain (text body -- kept)


&gt;&gt; text/html






&gt;&gt;-- __--__--




&gt;&gt;Message: 4


&gt;&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 10:39:49 -0800 (PST)


&gt;&gt;From: roy roberts



&gt;&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org


&gt;&gt;Subject: [CR]FS bicycle models cont'd




&gt;&gt;Please note the price includes shipping.






&gt;&gt;Do You Yahoo!?


&gt;&gt;Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!






&gt;&gt;-- __--__--




&gt;&gt;Message: 5


&gt;&gt;Reply-To: "Questor"



&gt;&gt;From: "Questor"



&gt;&gt;To: "classicrendezvous"



&gt;&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:31:18 -0500


&gt;&gt;Subject: [CR]Vintage Tire renewal &amp; restoration info needed








&gt;&gt;I have obtained a late 70's Campy tubular LF wheel set that has original =


&gt;&gt;Clement Criterium tires. The tires still hold air, but the casing is =


&gt;&gt;apparently rubber coated that has discolored with age. =20




&gt;&gt;Are there any suggestions on how I can clean up the discoloration =


&gt;&gt;without damaging the tires casing or its original color? I may be =


&gt;&gt;wrong, but it seems that current tubular tires do not have this problem =


&gt;&gt;over time... could there have been a manufacturing change? =20




&gt;&gt;What cleaner/preservative should I use in the future to make reasonably =


&gt;&gt;sure this discoloration does not come back?




&gt;&gt;Thanks, Steve Neago


&gt;&gt;"Trying to see through the clouds in Cincinnati, OH"






&gt;&gt;--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---




&gt;&gt; text/plain (text body -- kept)


&gt;&gt; text/html






&gt;&gt;-- __--__--




&gt;&gt;Message: 6


&gt;&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:31:02 -0500





&gt;&gt;To: classicrendezvous



&gt;&gt;Subject: [CR]CR jerseys?




&gt;&gt;How is the tally on the CR jerseys coming along?




&gt;&gt;Walt S


&gt;&gt;Falls Creek, Pa









&gt;&gt; &gt; Hello,




&gt;&gt;I have obtained a late 70's Campy tubular LF wheel set that has original Clement Criterium tires. The tires still hold air, but the casing is apparently rubber coated that has discolored with age.




&gt;&gt;Are there any suggestions on how I can clean up the discoloration without damaging the tires casing or its original color? I may be wrong, but it seems that current tubular tires do not have this problem over time... could there have been a manufacturing change?




&gt;&gt;What cleaner/preservative should I use in the future to make reasonably sure this discoloration does not come back?




&gt;&gt;Thanks, Steve Neago


&gt;&gt;"Trying to see through the clouds in Cincinnati, OH"






&gt;&gt;--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---




&gt;&gt; text/plain (text body -- kept)


&gt;&gt; text/html






&gt;&gt;Classicrendezvous mailing list










&gt;&gt;-- __--__--




&gt;&gt;Message: 7


&gt;&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:35:28 -0500





&gt;&gt;To: classicrendezvous



&gt;&gt;Subject: [CR]DNP components??






&gt;&gt;What the heck are DNP components? I acquired a box of old Bike JUNK from a guy and while coursing through this box I have come across only a few usable items. There were some skewers, mostly skewer pieces, a Suntour bar-con shifter (only one), many bits and pieces of suntour derailleurs (enough to make one freaksish looking but non working derailleur), a Celeste T.A. bottle cage, and the only derailleurs not broken are these DNP derailleurs. They look like expendable JUNK. Are they?






&gt;&gt;Falls Creek, Pa






&gt;&gt;-- __--__--






&gt;&gt;Classicrendezvous mailing list










&gt;&gt;End of Classicrendezvous Digest





&gt;MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

&gt;Click Here







&gt;--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---

&gt;text/html (html body -- converted)





&gt;Message: 21

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 19:35:43 -0700

&gt;From: M4Campy

&gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;Subject: [CR]Ebay prices, here we go again...


&gt;Ok, these ebay prices are getting crazy! Clive???




&gt;Mike "With tounge firmly planted in cheek" Wilkinson

&gt;Parker, CO out for a cold 20k today!





&gt;Message: 22

&gt;From: "Paulie Davis"

&gt;To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt;Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 03:03:17 +0000

&gt;Subject: [CR]FS: 52cm early 80's Calif. Masi


&gt;Hi All,


&gt;I'm selling my *newer* 52 cm red Masi. Price is $800 or best offer. Bad

&gt;news, usual dings, rust on top tube cable guides, rust on rt side of chrome

&gt;fork crown. Includes full Campy parts: pedals, straps, hubs, rims, etc.,

&gt;Cinelli bars, tall Nitto stem, matching Silca pump w/Campy head (w/some rust

&gt;for good measure), scruffy Avocet saddle (which I'd happily keep if you

&gt;don't want it). I'd be happy to answer specific questions as best I can,

&gt;newbie style. Photos are as follows:


&gt;http://members.aol.com/paulieflt/m1.jpg (full bike)

&gt;http://members.aol.com/paulieflt/m2.jpg (crank)

&gt;http://members.aol.com/paulieflt/m3.jpg (headtube)

&gt;http://members.aol.com/paulieflt/m4.jpg (cracked hood)

&gt;http://members.aol.com/paulieflt/m5.jpg (rusted cable guides)

&gt;http://members.aol.com/paulieflt/m6.jpg (rust on fork crown)

&gt;http://members.aol.com/paulieflt/m7.jpg (rear brake)

&gt;http://members.aol.com/paulieflt/m8.jpg (rear der)

&gt;http://members.aol.com/paulieflt/m9.jpg (seatpost)

&gt;http://members.aol.com/paulieflt/m10.jpg (bar plug)


&gt;The price is based closely on what I have in the bike. I'll charge actual

&gt;shipping, but I staunchly insist on using two separate boxes for wheels and

&gt;frame to ensure safe arrival on your end.


&gt;Paulie Davis

&gt;Glendale, California

&gt;(818) 240-9463






&gt;MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:






&gt;Message: 23

&gt;From: "feldman"

&gt;To: "kevin gosney" ,


&gt;Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Eisentraut models

&gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 19:03:49 -0800


&gt;The "Limited" was the "model B" as I remember them, there were touring as

&gt;well as racing models and the dealer near me that sold them at the time

&gt;didn't get any printed specs--but in the 1970's that was pretty standard

&gt;practice anyway.


&gt;David Feldman

&gt;Vancouver, WA

&gt;----- Original Message -----

&gt;From: "kevin gosney"


&gt;Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 6:38 PM

&gt;Subject: [CR]Re: Eisentraut models



&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; Gang,

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; Kevin, "formerly residing in Latin America", Gosney is back on.

&gt;Got a question regarding frames from Albert Eisentraut. In the late 70's

&gt;what where the differences between the "Model A' and "Model B" frames .

&gt;I've owned a "LIMITED" so understand that specification, but am at a loss

&gt;regarding tubing, geometry, lugs, and original price differences between A &amp;


&gt; &gt; Any help out there?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; Thanks, Cold but dry in Oregon

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; Kevin

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; ------------------------------------------

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; ------------------------------------------

&gt; &gt; &nbsp;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;From: classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Reply-To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Subject: Classicrendezvous digest, Vol 1 #1046 - 7 msgs

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Date: 14 Jan 2002 12:04:15 -0800

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Send Classicrendezvous mailing list submissions to

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;You can reach the person managing the list at

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; classicrendezvous-admin@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;than "Re: Contents of Classicrendezvous digest..."

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;CR

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Today's Topics:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; 1. bicycle models legnano, bartalli, binda, (roy roberts)

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; 2. Due to the great response, here are a few more for sale items!


&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; 3. New Depature 2 speed hub year/ (Phil)

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; 4. FS bicycle models cont'd (roy roberts)

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; 5. Vintage Tire renewal &amp; restoration info needed (Questor)

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; 6. CR jerseys? (wspokes@penn.com)

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; 7. DNP components?? (wspokes@penn.com)

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;-- __--__--

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Message: 1

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 09:33:37 -0800 (PST)

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;From: roy roberts

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Subject: [CR]bicycle models legnano, bartalli, binda,

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Coming soon! Protar 1/9 scale bicycle models. These

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;are made in Italy. They are highly detailed . With

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;metal and plastic parts.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;I will have the following models available

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;1938 Legnano, G. Bartali

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;1932 Legnano, A. Binda

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;1984 Panasonic Raleigh Team Bike

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;The cost will be $29.99 include US Shipping

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Visa &lt; MC, AMEX, Discover

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Please email me of list if interested

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;__________________________________________________

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Do You Yahoo!?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;http://promo.yahoo.com/videomail/

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;-- __--__--

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Message: 2

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;From: REClassicBikes@aol.com

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 12:57:37 EST

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Subject: [CR]Due to the great response, here are a few more for sale


&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Here are a few brake sets that were destined for ebay but may be of

&gt;use to

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;you guys (and gals) out there?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;NOS, boxed. Weinmanns finest 400 brakeset, complete with levers, gum


&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;cables and cable clips. callipers are anodised black. Nut fitting. $70

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;NOS, boxed, weinmann 405, again levers, hoods cables, no cable clips.


&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;fitting. $50

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;(Are these old enough for the list?) Shimano 600 ax Callipers and

&gt;levers. The

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;aero centre pull type. These are used, but the callipers are in good

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;condition, with virtually no wear on the pads. I have no idea where

&gt;you would

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;get new pads, perhaps you could ask the mechanics at UPS! The levers

&gt;are not

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;very good and the hoods are poor. $40

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;NOS D.A.M Wooden sprint rims, made in Milan, 36 hole. still in their

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;wrappings. $150

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;TA Cyclo cross chainring with guards, 5 pin fitting, NOS, 46 tooth.

&gt;These are

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;really nice on a single gear town bike as well. Hard to find. $35

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Campag, band on Gran turisimo gear shifter. NOS. The funny looking one


&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;the big disk. $10

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;NOS Cotton Bonk bags (Mussettes), Red, or Blue with rainbow bands or


&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;with rainbow bands. $10 including airmail to the US. Good quality.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Post at cost unless otherwise stated.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;please contact me off list. Thanks.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Regards

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Martin Coopland

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;-- __--__--

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Message: 3

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;From: "Phil"

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;To:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 13:46:04 -0500

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Subject: [CR]New Depature 2 speed hub year/

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Anyone know what year New departure came out with 2 speed hub and top


&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;tube shifter!

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Phil Scott

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Boring Ohio

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;multipart/alternative

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; text/plain (text body -- kept)

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; text/html

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;---

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;-- __--__--

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Message: 4

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 10:39:49 -0800 (PST)

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;From: roy roberts

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Subject: [CR]FS bicycle models cont'd

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Please note the price includes shipping.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;__________________________________________________

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Do You Yahoo!?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;http://promo.yahoo.com/videomail/

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;-- __--__--

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Message: 5

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Reply-To: "Questor"

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;From: "Questor"

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;To: "classicrendezvous"

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:31:18 -0500

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Subject: [CR]Vintage Tire renewal &amp; restoration info needed

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Hello,

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;I have obtained a late 70's Campy tubular LF wheel set that has

&gt;original =

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Clement Criterium tires. The tires still hold air, but the casing is =

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;apparently rubber coated that has discolored with age. =20

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Are there any suggestions on how I can clean up the discoloration =

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;without damaging the tires casing or its original color? I may be =

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;wrong, but it seems that current tubular tires do not have this

&gt;problem =

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;over time... could there have been a manufacturing change? =20

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;What cleaner/preservative should I use in the future to make

&gt;reasonably =

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;sure this discoloration does not come back?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Thanks, Steve Neago

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;"Trying to see through the clouds in Cincinnati, OH"

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

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&gt; &gt; &gt;--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---

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&gt; &gt; &gt; text/plain (text body -- kept)

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&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;---

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;-- __--__--

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Message: 6

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:31:02 -0500

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;From:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;To: classicrendezvous

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Subject: [CR]CR jerseys?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;How is the tally on the CR jerseys coming along?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Walt S

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Falls Creek, Pa

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Questor

&gt; &gt; wrote:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Hello,

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;I have obtained a late 70's Campy tubular LF wheel set that has

&gt;original Clement Criterium tires. The tires still hold air, but the casing

&gt;is apparently rubber coated that has discolored with age.

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Are there any suggestions on how I can clean up the discoloration

&gt;without damaging the tires casing or its original color? I may be wrong, but

&gt;it seems that current tubular tires do not have this problem over time...

&gt;could there have been a manufacturing change?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;What cleaner/preservative should I use in the future to make

&gt;reasonably sure this discoloration does not come back?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Thanks, Steve Neago

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;"Trying to see through the clouds in Cincinnati, OH"

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;multipart/alternative

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&gt; &gt; &gt; text/plain (text body -- kept)

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&gt; &gt; &gt; text/html

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;---

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;_______________________________________________

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Classicrendezvous mailing list

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;-- __--__--

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Message: 7

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:35:28 -0500

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;From:

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;To: classicrendezvous

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Subject: [CR]DNP components??

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;What the heck are DNP components? I acquired a box of old Bike JUNK

&gt;from a guy and while coursing through this box I have come across only a few

&gt;usable items. There were some skewers, mostly skewer pieces, a Suntour

&gt;bar-con shifter (only one), many bits and pieces of suntour derailleurs

&gt;(enough to make one freaksish looking but non working derailleur), a Celeste

&gt;T.A. bottle cage, and the only derailleurs not broken are these DNP

&gt;derailleurs. They look like expendable JUNK. Are they?

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Walt

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Falls Creek, Pa

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;-- __--__--

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;_______________________________________________

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Classicrendezvous mailing list

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt; &gt;End of Classicrendezvous Digest

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

&gt; &gt;

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&gt; &gt; Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

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