How certain are you on this chronology? I have never seen a script-logo on a NR/SR caliper except those having the "Anniversary" profile. Also, I have never seen a script logo caliper of any kind that was normal reach. By the time the script logo came around, normal reach was far from the norm, and as far as I know Campy had either stopped making the longer calipers or was producing a small volume of the block logo variety.
Tom Dalton
> Chronology of side pull brakes
> Normal Reach w/No lettering on arms
> Normal Reach w/Block lettering Brev.Inter.
> Short Reach W/Block lettering Brev.Int.& rubber
> bumper
> Normal & Short Reach W/Script letters
> Normal & Short Reach W/Script letters & Anniversary
> profile
> Or something to that effect.
> My question is regarding the frame types that needed
> the
> different arm lengths for brakes to function
> properly.
> What are the determining factors other than actual
> dimensions?
> Any general rules of thumb? Like year made/country
> of origin/
> manufacturer/wheel-rim combination.
> Nick Zatezalo
> COLD WET Atlanta,Ga
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