Re: [CR]Roger Riviere on Ebay

(Example: Bike Shops:R.E.W. Reynolds)

From: "Wspokes" <>
To: "ClassicRendezvous" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Roger Riviere on Ebay
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 20:34:06 -0500

Lou and all

Named after Roger Riviere...they came out with the Riviere after his unfortunate accident in the Giro(?) when Roger rode off a cliff and as a result suffered paralysis. He just died within the past 4 years of complications from his extended illness. Roger Riviere was also one of the cyclists on the African safari with Fausto Coppi, the same safari where Coppi contracted the malaria which would soon claim his life. Roger was a very good rider and held some world championships at one time and if I remember, maybe even the world hour record?. I believe the Roger Riviere were made by his last sponsor when he raced, Gitane. French bicycles, their were so low balls, middle line, and high end. They covered the whole spectrum but weren't around long. The 70s models were typical with foil stickers, simplex components. Aduprat cottered cranks. They rode surprisingly well! I once had one, (it is now owned by a new owner... Doug Brooks of NY). I really liked mine.Any additions, corrections are welcome. I tried to remember all the history details of his accomplishments and his demise, feedback welcomed...And Dale can add this info to the CR site for Roger Riviere where it currently says info needed.

Walter Skrzypek
Falls Creek, Pa

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 8:08 PM
Subject: [CR]Roger Riviere on Ebay

> <A HREF="<blah> p://</A>
> 70s 56cm. Hard to tell, but are those Nervex lugs? I'm not familiar with
> this make. Anyone know anything about it? Lou Deeter, Orlando FL