Re: [CR]Raleigh/Gazelle?

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

From: <>
To: ("David Feldman"),
Subject: Re: [CR]Raleigh/Gazelle?
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 11:41:38 -0500

Dave Feldman wrote: <I can confirm the Malaysia--used to have a Raleigh Sport 3-speed with that country of origin. Did Raleigh either buy or lease a whole factory from Gazelle to produce the Grand Prix for the US market? This would be mid-70's.>

IIRC, TI owned both Raleigh and Gazelle at the time, so they simply began to product Raleighs in the same factory. I recall that the best built Raleighs that I built up were still the English bikes - the worst were the USA built bikes. Lousy wheels, very sloppy paint...

Mark Ritz
Arcata, CA