[CR]now: daily rides. was: true confessions

(Example: Framebuilding:Restoration)

To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 10:42:59 -0500
From: "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>
Subject: [CR]now: daily rides. was: true confessions

i ride my cross bike EVERY day, even tho the season is over. i have a circuit at the local fairgrounds. with the recent 2-plus feet of snow, it's not a very pretty sight!. with this weekend's thaw, i rode in to what i thought looked like the usual 20" of snow and found myself spinning endlessly in slush, tho white, up to my hub axles. because i dared not dismount, i had to ride in circles, in any direction that would allow me to stay upright, just to avoid falling in the slop. it took 15 minutes in the big field to finally 180 my way out. i estimate that my 'circuit' will be submerged for another week at least. the bicycle has lugs and a 1st gen rivendell fork crown. e-RICHIE chester, ct

kmacafee@isd.net writes: I look forward to reading the posts here everyday and I always learn something from the very knowledgeable people who participate. Living here in the frozen north (where it is currently -2), this time of year is particularly hard because we can almost taste spring but the roads and the weather are usually too treacherous to ride and we have been cooped up inside for way too long. The best posts for me are the ones from Brian, Chuck and others fortunate enough to ride this time of year describing a weekend ride in warm sunny weather with fellow vintage enthusiasts.

So, how about more ride reports from the present and stories from the
past and
less hand