You need the old style TA extractor. I stock them.
Peter Jon White
Peter White Cycles
24 Hall Rd.
Hillsborough, NH 03244
603 478 0900 Phone
603 478 0902 Phax
> Hi All, A recently acquired 1973 Ron Cooper built Gillott track iron has
> cranks. I have a Campagnolo extractor which is a sloppy fit and a
> Stronglight tool which just wont start in the threads of either side.
> is no visible damage to the threads. Do I need a dedicated TA extractor?
> I have a NOS Stronglight extractor tool for a trade if anyone is
> The 5 pin crank carries an adapter or "Intercalaire" with an early 50's
> 1/8th 48 tooth ring. The ring has the correct stamps for the early 50's
> period. Can anyone tell me if these rings and adapters were still in
> use in the 70's? Mark Stevens in Dingwall, Scotland where we had amazing
> Aurora Borealis this week.