Hello all, Much to my delight, the hub arrived promptly on Saturday morning. First off, it is quite obvious that this hub is old - yet, the bearings were extremely smooth - smooth enough to make a Phil Wood hub feel like crap. Overall the quality and finish level is up there with Campy - possibly even better??
The hub shell is one solid piece of alum - no pressed on flanges - I'm assuming it's forged and machined to final shape.
The dust covers have two holes in them (like the pin spanner holes on a Maxi-Car or Mavic hub). I thought at first glance this could be a cart. brg. hub (seeing as how smooth it felt). I removed the axle to find out that it is in fact a regular loose ball hub. The holes in the dust covers do fit a pin spanner and they thread into the hub shell. One hole goes all the way through the dust cover so you could inject oil/grease and the other does not. There are also felt oil seals on the inside of the dust covers.
Just inside of the cones, the axle is grooved - I figured this was to encourage oil/grease flow from one side to the other - I couldn't figure any other reason.
I haven't noticed any sort of date stamps on the cones/lock nuts - I'll keep an eye out as I clean it up. I'll also try to snap a few digital images if anyone is interested. Cheers! Byron Morton Viva Nashvegas, TN
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