Hello, Just wanted to quickly say Thanks to all who responded. I have been given several names and websites to contact. I am confident that I will find the right information. Thanks! Rick Kerkhoff Cincinnati, Ohio
on 11/3/03 8:58 AM, Kerkhoff, Rick at Rick.Kerkhoff@fmr.com wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I don't know if this is the right place to start this conversation, but if
> not, I'm sure you can direct me to the right people to ask. I have my
> old bike. It is a single speed from I believe the 1930's (could be
> It has been sitting in his garage for 40 years without being ridden and my
> Mother was glad for me to take it as Dad passed 6 years ago. Before I do
> anything, I would like to try date it, determine what brand it might be
> what it might have originally looked like. Anyone have a guess what this
> bike might be?
> http://www.geocities.com/
> <http://www.geocities.com/rickkerkhoff/dadsbike.html
> Thanks for looking,
> Rick Kerkhoff
> Cincinnati, Ohio