In a message dated 11/25/03 3:42:25 PM, writes:
<< One of the nicest looking indeed... and one of the more failure-prone. They were significantly heavier than the Record high flange, yet less durable. I'd still like to own a pair, however. >>
I've wanted a set for quite some time, but never lucked out until a month ago when the kindness and eagle eye of a dear friend found me a pair at a price I could afford.
I had not heard about their failure rate, and of course it's obvious just by looking that they are heavier... but I've always been a sucker for a pretty face.
I'll probably keep my present rear wheel and just lace up the front, once I get the little jewel polished to my satisfaction. Ah, I feel like a teenaged hot-rodder... this hub must certainly be the cyclist's equivalent of the mag wheel.
My only concern is wondering if I'm gonna take a header or nail a tree once I get on the road and begin gazing at that beautiful hub flickering in the sunlight.
Bob Hovey
Columbus, GA