Re: [CR]Airline Worries

(Example: Humor:John Pergolizzi)

From: "Stephen Barner" <>
To: <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Airline Worries
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 17:07:11 -0500

No matter how carefully you pack your bike, you are at the mercy of fate when it comes to shipping, no matter the airline or carrier. It makes sense to me to take that risk when you are going to a vintage event, but not just to have something to ride for a few days. I think the best approach is to have "commodity bike" to take with you. One that is a decent ride, but which you would just shrug and say "bummer" if you opened the box to find a dent in the top tube, or were told by the shipping clerk that it had been lost when the train plunged into the canyon. For me, that's a mid-80's Bianchi Alloro-or-something (the decal is gone). Columbus 3-tubes, Shimano 600, clinchers, it rides pretty well, and is the only bike I have with click-shift. And, yes, it shifts better than any other bike I have--rats. $160 at a used bike sale, but at least it's Celeste. It doubles as an early season/rainy weather bike, as well.

I'd braze in couplers if STS would only sell to amateur frame builders. I am thinking about fabricating my own, as others have done.

Steve Barner, Bolton, Vermont

----- Original Message -----

> > From: <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2003 6:45 PM
> > Subject: [CR]Airline Worries
> >
> >
> > > My wife is dragging me off to Poolesville, Maryland for Christmas. I'm not
> > a
> > > happy camper given it's pushing 80 degrees here in Tucson. Told her I'd go
> > if
> > > I could take the bike. No way I'm gonna sit for 9 days. Would like to take
> > my
> > > '52 ASC equipped Viking Road-Path. Am I nuts? Anybody have America West
> > horror
> > > stories? Ripped off bikes? Frames twisted into oblivion? Maybe I should
> > just
> > > take my 80 Holdsworth 68" fixie and be happy. What do you think?
> > >
> > > Craig "Perplexed in Nirvana" Montgomery
> > > Tucson