on 12/26/03 6:29 PM, M4Campy@aol.com at M4Campy@aol.com wrote:
> I just ordered a pair of Challenge tubulars for my Redcay project and was
> wondering what some peoples recent experience is with them. I remember that
> there was some negative response to these initially. But, I can't find classic
> looking sewups anywhere it seems.
They are still quite nice if sometimes a little lumpy especially in the fatter models. They seem to be a bit more uneven than when the same factory made these tires under the Clement label, but my sample size isn't huge. I've been riding their Paris-Roubaix tires lately, and they now measure approx. 28 mm across compared to the Clement P-Rs. I wonder if they have taken the del Mondos and renamed them Paris-Roubaix.
The Criteriums are still a narrow enough tire that even an especially lumpy example won't be all that bad. The lumps on the P-Rs were a bit more noticeable when spinning the wheel in the stand, but they still felt great on the road.
If you like the size and look of the Criteriums, you might want to check out Veloflex. These are still traditional-looking (simple black tread and skin sidewalls) and made by hand by the old Italian Vittoria crew. They are a bit more expensive than the Challenge tires, however, but they get glowing reviews.
Todd Kuzma
Heron Bicycles
Tullio's Big Dog Cyclery
LaSalle, IL