Dear members:
I think I need to make it clear to all members that off topic posts are simply not allowed on this list.
I admit that there are degrees of being OT.. Borderline references, for instance, to C-Record are not as onerous to me as chatting about current events or new model bikes... But nonetheless, a growing number of you think that it's OK if you say "I know this is off topic, but (etc.)" and then blithely go ahead and blab away.
You may well ask, why do we want to stay on topic? It is because the CR list is up to nearly 1000 members who joined and "listen in" to vintage bike stuff. They expect and are entitled to OT messages... only! The volume of mail is very high at times, so high it has caused more than a few members to quit. It is not fair to the vast majority who follow the game rules to be penalized by the unthinking or disregarding few.
In the <A HREF="">CR list rules</A> the topic range is pretty clearly spelled out;
"(The CR list covers)...the approximate period from the beginning of the Twentieth Century, up to 1983. A few contemporary, classically produced small workshop bikes are considered "on topic" here (ask!), but those welded, injection molded, or glued modern wonders belong in some other mail list, not this one! Ditto for mountain bikes & balloon tired bikes. Those items have merit, but they just do not belong here. "
I would point out that word "ask"... Rather than send a message that is OT, or in question, I request that you ask first.
So, what to do with those of you who are not willing to conform? I will decide case by case, but in blatant situations, I will remove members and place them in a 60 day "no list" status.
Dale Brown Greensboro, NC <A HREF=""></A>