Re: [CR]Now: Wood clinchers Was: wood rim brake shoes

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

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Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 17:26:59 +0900
From: "Fusejima Kenji" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Now: Wood clinchers Was: wood rim brake shoes


I searched out certain Japanese site written about Wooden rims (includes clinchers).

This is the site by certain Japanese craftman who create wooden bike. He can not make wooden rims, so, rims are made by Italian maestro Giovanni Cermenati near Madonna del Gizallo.

We maybe can buy wooden rims from them (Italian maestro or Japanese craftman). You maybe can contact Japanese man in English language via his site if you want.

Kenji Fusejima Yokohama Japan

At 0:52 PM -0700 03.6.24, Chuck Schmidt wrote:
>Martin Needleman wrote:
>> ...and, finally, a surprise (to me at least) "WOOD CLINCHER - G. & J.
>> wood clincher rim, 28x1-1/2". 36 hole, aluminum finish only."
>Some of the replica Pedersens I saw at the '95 Milan trade show had wood
>clinchers (clear finish not aluminum finish) that were made in Italy.
>The person at the booth said that they could supply any type of wood rim
>I wanted (and in very small numbers too).


>Chuck Schmidt


