Re: [CR]sneaky Masi.....Road trips!

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 16:27:10 +0200
From: "Renaissance-Cycles" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]sneaky Masi.....Road trips!
References: <>


You only got one bike, I walked into the house and said I just bought 8 old bikes! She said...................OK!...........What they were for,..........sell, trade or just to hang on the walls...........Who really knows!............A guy calls from Amsterdam and says I have a nice bike for you!..........OK!..Hey Cecile!......We're going to Amsterdam! She say ''FOR WHAT!''..............A bike of course..............She's game! Grab a nice bike...........Have some good eats..........And try to beat the traffic out of the city!...........Of course this is our living,..........OLD BIKE STUFF!

Walked into the house yesterday 7 / 8 / 03...............And said Cecile! I just bought...150.....IDEAL ''70''...saddles!....With a load of other goodies of course!....She said OK!.....Anything else? I said sure!.........And she says, lets go! So, next week we are back to pick up these goods and who knows what else! One of the high moments of the day was driving down a narrow drive way only to be entertained buy a ice cream vendor selling ice cream from his bike! As we were about to turn onto a main street this guy rode right in front of us blowing a horn to anounce his arrival!...........This guy must of been in good shape to be pedaling a loaded 3 wheel box bike and blowing this horn all at the same time! He kind of left us speachless for a few seconds and soon after we were having a good laugh!..........He heard us and gave us a one of those looks!.......Opps!.........Sorry! Later on that day we saw him spriting across an inter section!....Once to the other side and here comes that horn!

Anyway this road trip was very draining!........But A rewarding one!

More of this trip will follow!.......Geeze tripping and falling all over this stuff!..''WILD!''

BC Baron C...And the gang!!..LOOKING AND SEARCHING FOR BIKE HEAVEN! Renaissance cycles Eindhoven Holland.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: [CR]sneaky Masi

> Bob Wrote:
> "...Unfortunately, I neglected to tell my dear
> wife, and by the time it arrived I was desperately trying to come up with
> ways to sneak another bike into the house...."
> Bob, Not a problem here, send me the bike and I will take
> all the heat from my wife, I'll just buy more parts for her
> Eisentraut and the whole thing will blow over.
> Marty Eison
> Dallas, Texas