Re: [CR]CR/ North East vintage ride this Saturday

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content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: Re: [CR]CR/ North East vintage ride this Saturday
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 12:43:01 -0400
Thread-Topic: Re: [CR]CR/ North East vintage ride this Saturday
Thread-Index: AcShjGOL4xd6SobdSkKQf00Wjv0P/A==
From: "Christopher Barbour" <>
To: <>

Peter Naiman wrote:
>Last weeks ride leaving Larz Anderson Museum of Transportation has been
>rescheduled for this coming Saturday morning at 9:00AM.

The Veteran-Cycle Club was there last week, and had a very enjoyable ride under the capes. The view from Bussey Hill of the Great Blue Hill shrouded in clouds was delightful.

Christopher "That's what Bluemel's are for" Barbour Boston, Mass.