Re: [CR] Asking Manufactures to remanufacture older sought afterbicyc le compotents

(Example: Framebuilders:Jack Taylor)

From: <"">
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 16:10:52 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR] Asking Manufactures to remanufacture older sought afterbicyc le compotents

tell me bc, if you had the hoods in stock, how many would you sell in the next six weeks? months? e-RICHIE chester, ct

-- renaissance-cycles wrote:

>From where I stand and what I see and here all the time................Can you get Campagnolo hoods? With 11,000 + vintage customers in 42 countries,..............I'd say that they are all potential customers for these hoods.........So to say, to me this looks to be a substantial market.......And is growing by the day!

Baron C......................And the gang!!
Renaissance cycles,
Eindhoven Holland.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [CR] Asking Manufactures to remanufacture older sought

afterbicyc le compotents

> fred - agreed.
> this is archived list material.
> but, really, how many clients for these hoods do
> you (anybody) think there are? 3 years ago we batted
> this around; my question was something like:
> "would hoods make folks happy, or will campagnolo need to
> reissue nr era cables, or the correctly marked nut and bolt
> for someone's restoration? etcetera"
> my point is that i believe a few hundred folks don't
> make a "market" and that 70s era bicycles are not BMWs
> or john deere tractors, two collectibles with mass appeal.
> hoods were always cheap back in the day. it might have made
> more sense to stash 4 pair away than to lament the higher
> prices that are commanded now by folks interested in making
> moneyfrom selling them. and - i think campagnolo is quite
> aware of the small groups in usa and japan that seek out
> their vintage parts.
> chester, ct
> -- Fred Rafael Rednor <> wrote:
> Kurt,
> This has come up with Campagnolo in the past and, as far as
> I can tell, they won't do it unless collecting classic bikes
> becomes a highly visible hobby in Italy and France. They seem
> to have no visibility into the classic bicycle collector
> circles in the USA or Japan. (Other than - as you mention -
> harassing small time manufacturers of reproduction parts.)
> Beyond that, the Campagnolo marketing people (who I think do
> a very poor job of "marketing" their products) simply do not
> see the connection between the veneration of their old stuff by
> people like us and the sale of their new stuff. It's a pity.
> Best regards,
> Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia
> > Would it kill them to earn some cheap goodwill among their
> > loyalest
> > long-time customers by doing up a few hundred or thousand
> > globe logo
> > gum hoods and selling them at a reasonable markup? It can't
> > really be
> > a hell of a lot of hassle can it? They could probably easily
> > cover
> > the initial costs with what they spent on lawyers hassling
> > counterfeiters.
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