Rod; I second the motion and when I paypal my payment
to Tom, I'll add funds for Tom's effort.
Peter Naiman
Shorewood, WI
> Ya know Tom, I don't think you have anything to
> worry about as far as getting burned on this leather
> tape. Myself, I think you should consider raising
> the prices and have a go at a little business
> venture here. Why not make $20 a set? If this stuff
> is really nice, I'd happily pay $40-50 for a set. No
> matter what, what you are doing is costing you time,
> and time is $$$. Just getting all the finances,
> orders and shipping stuff straight seems like a big
> headache that you should be compensated for.
> Maybe we should all chip in a few bucks extra for
> Toms time?
> Rod (I'd do the initial small order for free, but
> after that it in't reasonable) Kronenberg
> Fort Collins, CO
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> Classicrendezvous mailing list
===== Peter Naiman Alias Hetchinspete4420 North Ardmore AvenueShorewood, WI 53211-1418
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