Re: [CR]Campy Catalog Info : Late 1970's changes

(Example: Production Builders:Pogliaghi)

Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 20:20:12 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Campy Catalog Info : Late 1970's changes
References: <>

An awful lot of this is already in my Campagnolo Timeline; for example the entry for 1978:

1978 - C.P.S.C. (Consumer Product Safety Commission) mandates changes to NR/SR. Included are a front derailleur lip, 1.5 mm increase in spacing between crank spider and arm to clear the front derailleur lip with corresponding increase in bottom bracket axle length, a curved quick release lever and ball-end added to quick release conical adjuster, dome-shape added to quick release cam lever on brake calipers, plastic covering added to the wheel guides on the brake shoes, and plastic safety-shields added to rear derailleur screws. Logo on brake hoods changed from "world" style to "shield" style. The word "Patent" is changed to "Brev." on the chainring, chainring bolts and crank dust cap. Tullio Campagnolo is bestowed with the Stella D'Oro (Golden Star) award by the C.O.N.I. (Italian National Olympic organization) for his contributions to sport.

I would be more than ecstatic if someone would volunteer some new info!!!

Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California (Campagnolo Timeline) wrote:
> The date I have heard most often for the introduction of CPSC-compliant
> equipment is 1978. That would be date for the following items mentioned in the
> list from your message (quoted below): The lip for the front der, the crank q,
> the BB spindle 112-114.5, and the domed QR on the brakes. Other CPSC changes
> not mentioned were the little plastic shrouds around the rear derailleur
> adjusting screws and the curved QR skewers. Were there any others?
> BTW, the Olympics were in 1984 and that is the date on the cover, but the
> catalog was published in 1982.
> Bob Hovey
> Columbus, GA
> In a message dated 11/26/2004 10:03:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 15:46:35 -0800 (PST)
> From: Donald Gillies <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: [CR]Campy Catalog Info : Late 1970's changes
> Message-ID: <>
> Precedence: list
> Message: 11
> I think that a frequent question about campagnolo equipment is, "when
> did campy change from early 1970's designs to late 1970's / CPSC
> designs?" and the year is not pinpointed by the catalogues because a
> lot changed between catalogue #17 supplement (1975) and the "Olympic"
> catalogue (1984), if I'm reading Bob's catalogue chronology correctly.
> Also, I think that newcomers (such as myself) do not realize that a
> production bike with campy components that is sold in year #K usually
> has "PATENT (K-1)" componentry. I don't know if the same is true for
> custom bikes, but it seems to be the golden rule for schwinns
> paramounts & raleighs.
> ===========================================================================
> Nuovo Record mech : no lip to having a lip ( > 1973)
> Nuovo Record mech : having a lip to having holes
> Cranksets : narrow Q-factor to wide q factor for the front mech lip (1978)
> Chainrings : when was the 41T front chainring produced ?
> Chainrings : when was the PATENT -> BREV swtichover ?
> Chainrings : when did crank-arm protecting pins appear ?
> Chainring bolts : In what year was the PATENT -> BREV switchover ?
> Chainset dust caps : PATENT -> BREV switchover ?
> NR Bottom Brackets : move from 112 mm spindle to 114.5 for CPSC front mech
> lip (1978)
> NR Bottom Brackets : move from thick to thin cup types ?
> NR Bottom Brackets : move from flat to milled ?adjustable? cup face?
> NR Pedals : lost the outside eyelets for toe clips (1975 or 1976)
> NR Pedals : when / for whom were the <C> - barreled pedals made?
> SR Pedals : titanium spindle dropped from product line
> NR/SR Brake Calipers : flat QR to domed QR (> 1973)
> NR/SR Brake Levers : key-shaped cable threading cutout replaced by U cutout
> (1973/1974)
> NR/SR Brake Hoods : world-logo replaced by shield-logo hoods (egregious
> mistake, imho)
> SR Seatpost : 2-bolt to 1-bolt
> SR bottom bracket : titanium spindle dropped from product line
> NR headset lockring : "patent campagnolo - patent campagnolo .." dropping the
> dash
> NR downtube shifters : cable guides dropped from clamp (> 1973)
> NR downtube shifters : metal washers replaced by black plastic, "Brev Camp"
> -> "<C>
> Toe Clips : ? any changes ?
> Freewheel : ? any changes ?
> Seat Bolt : large barrel vs. small barrel ?