[CR]RE: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 23, Issue 109

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing)

From: "Ben Sanford" <B.Sanford@cox.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 09:06:30 -0500
In-Reply-To: <MONKEYFOODAUJUNUBVh00000bbc@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
Subject: [CR]RE: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 23, Issue 109

I was also interested in the answer to this question. I have a pair of the GS track hubs, and used the guts from a 70's track hub to build up the rear, with 1/4" balls. This worked, but just barely. The 70's axle was threaded for 120mm spacing, so there was just barely enough threading into the middle section of the axle to allow the cones to adjust toward the middle enough to barely work. Also, as David pointed out, to achieve 110mm spacing, I will probably still need to add a few spacers, since it currently measures @ 106 mm with the 70's axle and track cones. Of course there is probably enough flex in the chainstays for this to work without the spacers.

I haven't attempted the front yet, since I didn't have any 3/16" balls.

Ben Sanford Falls Church, VA


David wrote:

Here is what I know about Gran Sport hubs, in no particular order:

1/ Front hubs : 3/16" balls; rear hubs: 1/4"

2/ All CR period Campagnolo QR hubs have M9 x 26tpi front axles, M10 x 26tpi rear.

3/ Nuovo Tipo cones will work. In fact almost any Campagnolo 9 x 26 cone for 3/16" balls will work, except that more recent versions (90s Chorus, Athena etc) may be too short to allow access to cone spanner flats.

4/ As far as I know the same applies for rear hubs. If I'm wrong, I hope that someone on the list will say so. The current cone for the Pista hubs will probably be too short.


Ted asked originally:

My questions to anyone on the list who is experienced with overhauling these hubs are simply:

1. For the large flange 50's FRONT 3-piece hub: What size bearings does it use and how many does it require per side?

2. Same question as question #1 for REAR hub.

3. I have been told that Nuovo Tipo cones will work for the front hub. Is this correct? If so, what cones will work for the rear?

4. What kind of Campagnolo model axles will work for these hubs. From all of the good color photos I've seen, it appears to be the bronze colored axles (used for Nuovo Tipo hubs.) Comments?

If you have a real Campagnolo catalog #18, please look at the set on page 35. The set is Campagnolo model 1253. Then if you turn to page 38, you will see the exploded diagrams for the 1253 hubset. Are these the parts I should go with?

Ted Baer
Palo Alto, CA