Ray; I was on UK Ebay late last night and noticed a strange pattern. There are quite a few Treks, atleast a dozen, going up for sale, all NOS 2004 models as in 1200s, 5200s etc and all only have a stock side picture of the bike that looks like it came from a catalogue or the Trek Site. Each sale shares the same symtoms. Stock photo, no seller rating or zero prior sales history, no other items listed for sale and the seller is either from Manchester or London, and the ad layouts are all similar. It may not be a scam, but it's very curious and has to be the same seller.
Peter Naiman
Shorewood, WI
> For all the possibilities to be scammed out there it
> is still a good thing
> I believe to openly discuss them here. I understand
> how outing a bike can
> cause distress to someone who has been laying low,
> waiting to pounce.
> Still I would rather have people out a bike an watch
> its true value
> develope then be the person who pounced only to find
> that I have been
> scammed. There are deals out there but the old
> saying is probably near 98%
> accurate. If a deal looks to good to be true....
> I have been lucky so far not to get caught but that
> is no guarantee or
> skill that I have learned that keeps me protected. I
> have taken chances
> that I freted until the product arrived. I have also
> bought bikes on
> description and photos that after delivery were real
> dissappointments.
> This list is the best protection agains fraud that I
> know. Not only do you
> all possess a combined knowledge that will help a
> relative newcommer but
> you all have a good sense of a scam when you see
> one. Far as I am
> concerned keep the posts and outings coming.
> Ray Homiski
> Elizabeth, NJ
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===== Peter Naiman Alias Hetchinspete4420 North Ardmore AvenueShorewood, WI 53211-1418
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