Or collecting classic motorcars.
Jerry Moos Houston, TX
Joe Bender-Zanoni <joebz@optonline.net> wrote: Another school of thought is that all this, to any excess, is cheaper than owning an airplane or a horse.
Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Notch, NJ
> on 8/3/04 7:49 AM, LouDeeter@aol.com at LouDeeter@aol.com wrote:
> > I've enjoyed reading all the "ooohhs and aahhss" about the Derosa that
> > bought, the Mavic derailleur, the $180+ Regal saddle (maybe that one
> > discussed on the list but sent off-list). The part that I find
intriguing is
> > that every single purchase any of us makes on ebay is actually at a
> > price than anyone else would pay--how else could you win at auction?
So, when
> > one of you win something, it was more than I would have paid--sometimes
> > more than I would have paid--but still, more. When I buy something,
> > I have rarely felt I paid too much for something on ebay. My feeling is
> > unless there was a "helper" shill bidding, then at least one other
> > thought the item was worth close to what I paid too! I think that is
one of
> > the reasons I like the way eBay has structured their auctions. The way
I look
> > at it, it's our money to spend as we see fit, so why worry about what
> > else spends on something. Lou Deeter, Orlando FL
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> >
> There is an old saying that anything you ever bought at an auction you
> too much for, because nobody else thought it was worth that much.
> The other school that says that you can never pay too much for a
> item; you can only pay it too soon.
> Jamie Swan
> Northport, N.Y.