No particular order:
1. the Sachs 70's style track bike at the cirque
whenever that was. Hot damn, made me forget about the
incredibly similar looking (from 20 feet away) colnago
one I saw somewhere and have as my screen saver:
2. the Masi replica by brian bailess, in my size, of
course. Shiny.
3. that orange masi track from last year or was it a yellow cinelli, or the orange cinelli? or the yellow masi? hmmm, send them to me, I will sort em out.
4. the green bassboat paramount track w/ nervex lugs
from two years back. (or the bassboat yellow one I saw
at the farmers market in berkeley and the girl riding
it, I love you fixie girl...)
5. he green trackie with cross tires that hillary
stones son had two years ago, not in a 50cm, geeze, a
58 please:
6. and uh, the other paramount track and the brennan 6 day racer, uh and uh all the fixies from the guys at bilenki and then all the otherones which I have forgotten about...
Tarik Saleh
PO Box 208, Los Alamos, NM 87544
tsaleh at rocketmail dot com
Bicycles, bicycles, bicycles: