Whilst on the subject, ever wonder why you all of a sudden see a flurry of
the same marque or machine? Dale's French themed Cirque came to Washington
unexpectedly last weekend. On Satuday I rode my '69 PX-10 and must have passed no fewer than THREE '70s Motobecanes, including two of the classic dull gold coloured ones, and cycled briefly with a guy on his '71 Gitane TdF which he bought from Mel Pinto... you can't get anymore classic '70s Froggy bike than that around here! I also saw two Peugoet UE-8 mixtes. Another weekend it might be a flurry of Super Courses and Internationals.
But alas most times its a boring parade of Trek and Bianchi hybrids and Litespeeds. I've never once seen a classic Cinelli SC or even a Raleigh Professional on the road around here. They must go straight from eBay to
wallart in one easy step.
Peter Kohler Washington DC USA
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