RE: [CR]RE: campagnolo tool kit and the biggest things you regret passingon

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

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Subject: RE: [CR]RE: campagnolo tool kit and the biggest things you regret passingon
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 11:00:50 -0600
Thread-Topic: [CR]RE: campagnolo tool kit and the biggest things you regret passingon
Thread-Index: AcV8yHlOrz8bhzTpR12HDtDVKE7UewAA5XUA
From: "Mazzeo, Daniel" <>
To: "marc garcia" <>, <>


Dan Mazzeo Morrison, CO

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of marc garcia Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:35 AM To: Subject: [CR]RE: campagnolo tool kit and the biggest things you regret passingon

This is a tad bit embarrassing, but a few years ago when I still only collecting schwinn bicycles (krates and ballon tire bikes, I was at a swap meet always looking for another 50 pound monstrousity to roll home when I came across a big wooden box with a name engraved on top that I recognized, "compagnala" or something like that. What did I know? I was 200 pounds and rode bikes with 20 inch wheels meant for 10 year olds. I opened the box and what was inside, a bunch of bike tools. I asked the gentleman in the lawn chair how much he was asking for it and he said,"100.00" I thought about it and having to carry this big heavy box all the way back to my car and said, "have a nice day," and kept on walking.

Looking back now, that's probably one of the worst best thing I ever passed on. If only I knew what I know now. Anyone else want to confess what jewels that walked away from?

marc garcia (looking at the empty spot in my workshop that big wooden box would have looked perfect in) chicago IL