its true that some of our Japanese friends are utterley fanatical about their hobbies , I recently had a chap fly all the way from Japan to Heathrow ,then hire a van and drive up to Derbyshire to pick up a Moulton Deluxe I was selling on went for double what I expected he was very polite ,friendly and efficient he even brought the good lady a Japanese cake. It is true though that a lot of stuff goes to Japan for high prices, but hey if we could get stuff at what seems to be for them anyway cheap prices I am sure we would. It is worth it for you guys over the pond to visit Europe especially France to get stuff for bikes which is reasonably easy to get still, I go a couple of times a year and always bring stuff back...last time a Simplex TDF rear mech and lever as new at 5 Euro from a French car boot (vide grenier).There is a site on the web that lists all the fairs ,boot sales , Brocantes in France when they are on and where they are, hell they even drive on the same side of the road as you guys . I also find that quite a few French Ebay sellers will hold stuff for a bid on stuff in a reasonably accessible area, plan ahead take the good lady on vacation and pick it up, you will possibly break even or possibly make a bit by selling some stuff on.
Steve Chambers