[CR]re: tires, NOW wave of the future

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

From: "C. Andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 17:45:41 -0800
Subject: [CR]re: tires, NOW wave of the future

Mike Kone wrote:

In time, I'm convinced the industry will discover this and capitalize on it. And when it does, the idea of what constitues the typical high-performance recreational road bike will be change.


I was utterly amazed when I switched from the 700c Continental Gatorskins to Rivendell Roly-Polys. The difference in speed, and comfort, was not trivial by any means. The comfort-difference is not a side-issue. Over a long ride (or a short one) comfort influences speed quite a bit, seems to me.

Fashion counts for a lot though. And the intuitive idea that skinny tires have to be better is a tough one to overcome. But I'm convinced. I can't wait to get our 650b tandems on the road..

One reason the old Criterium Seta Extra had it all, I think, must have been the casings, and the latex tubes. There was a lovely comfort level with those tires that you'll never get with a skinny clincher.. so, the tire was skinny, but pumped up hard, it was still a very comfortable ride.. not as comfy as a CdM Seta, but pretty good.

Charles Andrews SoCal

that's the puzzle of what has happened to the automobile world: feeling safe has become more important than actually being safe.

--Malcolm Gladwell