Re: [CR]Walter Serena= Serena bikes?

(Example: Framebuilders:Chris Pauley)

In-Reply-To: <000d01c51b3e$72e59ce0$>
References: <>
From: "Eugene Powell" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Walter Serena= Serena bikes?
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 20:19:05 -0800
To: "ronald manseau" <>
cc: CR Rendezvous <>

Is it possible what's being discussed here is "furnace brazing"? I've read descriptions of this being used by some UK builders........... I think Andy Newlands (Strawberry Racing Cycles) described it to me once, a long time ago.

On Feb 25, 2005, at 5:32 AM, ronald manseau wrote:
> Thank you for this info Dario.
> Now could someone here describe the forging method that apparently
> Piero
> Serena was using into the building of the frames? I guess it was
> forging
> versus welding to reunite the tubings and other various components...I
> can
> weld (electric/rods and braze (bronze/silver) but reuniting such thin
> tubings via forging while leaving a perfectly wel shaped outside
> diameter of
> the tube connectors!!.this I can't conceive!What was the advantage over
> traditionnal brazing method? By the way back in the late 60s what was
> the
> brazing method most popular in the cyclism world? Silver,bronze, other?
> I've taken pictures of that bike today and shall have them by
> tomorrow..I'll scan them and try to attach a picture link to a message
> on
> here list..could that be helpfull to know more about that bike!
> thank you,
> Ronald Manseau,gaspé,Qc.
> There is not any connection between Walter Serena and Serena Frames.
> The
> Serena frames have been built up to around 96 by Piero Serena,
> always of
> Brescia, now he is 76 years old, to my opinion he has been one of the
> most
> representative framebuilder in Italy. Up to the closing of his
> activity to
> always braised not the frames with the torch but with the forge, I
> have
> personally assisted in 95 to the construction of one of the last frame
> during a visit for an article then published on " Ciclismo "..
> Between 70' and 90' Piero Serena has built frames for a great number
> of
> riders and pro rider, Dancelli, Motta, Visentini,Boifava entire team
> like
> Inoxpran Mariani&Calì etc.
> Dario Pegoretti
> Caldonazzo
> Italy

Gene Powell
Rad Finishes
Portland, OR