I think you are a sick person. As you hypothesized, you are truly likely to burn. To try and justisfy contacting a former friend (10 YEARS LATER) just cause you lust after a bike that he may or may not still have is just sick.
However, as a purely altruistic gesture, (were you to provide the necessary contact info), I would be willing to contact him to ascertain the whereabouts and disposition of the bike in question.
Just trying to be helpful and to avoid you any possible embarrasment... (don't seem to have a Rene Herse in my stable)
Ken Sanford
Kensington, MD
> Well OK. Here is the deal. Before I recently fell back into this (did the
> list decide on a word yet?) thing, I had dabbled with a 1/2 dozen bikes or
> so. A friend of mine at the time who was in very dire straits had a bike
> given to him and wanted me to help him sell it. It is a barely ridden RENE
> HERSE Demontable. I mean only ridden a few times. This was 10 years ago
> and
> we had a falling out (not about the bike at all) and I haven't seen him
> since.
> I have been thinking about calling Him, but it is REALLY about the bike.
> Am
> I going to hell? He has probably already sold it for a $100 or something,
> but should I check? Am I going to burn?
> Discuss amongst yourselves.
> Victor lustful Penner
> Vancouver HELL BC