Re: [CR]1949 60cms TERROT road bike

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 20:01:26 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]1949 60cms TERROT road bike
References: <000901c57dd2$22a0b9d0$5a084554@norris>

Norris Lockley wrote:
> Peter Paine emailed the List some days with advance warning that he was
> about to list this Terrot on Ebay'
> It is item 6542999857.
> Although, as Peter states, this bike might not be the top-of-the- range
> machine, it certainly is very attractive, and comes equipped with some
> excellent tackle. It looks to absolutely original.
> Terrot was very active in the 40/50s in the professional squads and was
> a highly respected brand. I have been trying to find just
> such a bike in my size - much smaller than this one for some time now,
> in France..and they really are RARISSIMMO. In May of this year I
> actually went over to Dijon where the Terrot factory was situated, in
> order to search around the second-hand , and charity shops, brocantes
> etc But I had absolutely no luck. I have come across several lady's
> Terrots from the same era, and very elegant they were too...but no
> gent's machines. Terrot seem to be a bit like Dilecta, another famous
> brand from that era..both disappearing on the 60s. My house in France is
> not too far from Le Blanc where Dilecta were made...but apart from a
> superb light roadster that I saw in an exhibition, I haven't seen
> anything resembling a Dilecta. Luckily I have found one in the UK...what
> a superb =ame it is.
> Back to the Terrot... if this is a 1949 model it may have been early
> enough not to have benefitted from the early Simplex drop-outs (Anyone
> got a Simplex catalogue from that era?) I have several very high class
> frames from the later 40s and not one of them has the Simplex
> drop-outs..all have the type on this Terrot. In fact my VERY BEST French
> road bike..apart from the two Reyhands...and absolute marvel of lug
> profiling and tapering also has these drop-outs.
> Peter's starting price is £250, and the auction has about 6 days to
> run. It seems a very very reasonable price to start off what is a very
> rare bike. That beautifully elegant fork alone must be worth £150. You
> don't get raking that these days!
> Thank goodness it is too big for me...and I shall be back in France when
> the auction closes..and without a laptop.
> Norris lockley..Settle UK

Seems like almost every Simplex TdF derailleur I see nowadays has the pulley cage in the wrong orientation (upsidedown) like this one is.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, CA
