Re: plate for rear brake on fixed, was [CR]Various Topics-continued

(Example: Books)

From: "ternst" <>
To: "HM & SS Sachs" <>, "Classic Rendezvous" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: plate for rear brake on fixed, was [CR]Various Topics-continued
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 17:42:36 -0700

Harvey et All: I hope people comment and chime in. The more the merrier We all pic up a little extra info or get a point we didn't think of as most of our posts are fairly quick response and there just isn't time to touch all the bases. We always told our riders to shift weight a trifle to back, especially with more upright geometry bikes, and try to apply rear a split second before front if possible. It takes a while for a rider to find his own balance and best personal technique. With a fixed it's the same on weight but the control is easier with the fixed holding the bike and weight twaords the year with the gentle plus backpedalling action. If you really know how to ride, you should be able to glove the front wheel while shifting a little to the rear with weight, backpedaliling and applying the back hand brake while maintaining good control. You'll stop PDQ. Can't do the latex tub/tires tonight, Becky Quinn, a South Bay Wheelman and national team member is giving a talk at our SBW club meeting tonight. Free refreshments, including pizza beats latex every time. Ted Ernst Palos Verdes Estates, CA

----- Original Message -----
From: HM & SS Sachs
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 5:14 PM
Subject: plate for rear brake on fixed, was [CR]Various Topics-continued

> Ted Ernst wrote about a number of things, and I hope he won't mind if I
> <snip> and comment on a couple of them.
> <snip>
> Ted: On the flat, if you're going too fast and have to panic stop lifting
> the back wheel and stopping pedaling or reversing pedal stroke is VERY
> skilled and I would practice before going out in traffic.
> Either braze a bridge in for a rear brake or use the one in place to save
> your bod.
> Harvey: At Trexlertown, I bought a Raphael Geminani tracker from Sam
> Fitzgerald. It is the only bike I've ever seen which has such a plate
> permanently attached. Alas, in this case TiG-welded...
> Harvey:
> Also note that Darwin awards go to those who forget physics. Even under
> best of circumstances, the back wheel has only 1/2 the stopping power of
> the front. This is because of weight transfer: as you try to slow the
> bike, the center of mass is way above the contact patch, so the bike tends
> to pivot on the front wheel and unload the rear. So, I (almost) always
> use a front brake on fixed gear on the road. Even my beloved '38 P'mount
> has a front brake, and yup, the paint chips show when I take it off so the
> bike looks original.


> <snip>


> harvey sachs

> mcLean va