[CR]Cinelli Sale and eBay scams

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

From: "NIGEL LAND" <ndland@btinternet.com>
To: <eastwindacupuncture@comcast.net>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 17:50:50 +0100
cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Cinelli Sale and eBay scams

Ben, I am sure this has been covered already through CR but I just wanted to pass on some recent experience with selling on eBay. I had a 1938 Sunbeam Roadster for sale some months ago and was amazed to receive a bid from a Thai. ZERO rating got me worried and I discovered, through Peter Brown, a pal in North Lincs, the 'shipping scam'. This works on the basis that you get a (very) high bid. The buyer (from overseas) offers an international money order for much more than he bid, with a request that you give a cheque to a shipper that he owes money to for previous buys. The draft arrives, you dispatch the bike, you give the cheque to the shipper when he comes to collect the bike. Your cheques are cashed. The bank draft bounces (possible for drafts from some countries), you are left with no bike and a big financial loss, just to rub salt into the wounds. My remedy was an email to the Thai guy to request withdrawal of his bid, followed by my cancellation of his bid. Problem solved. Sadly, I would guess that the sale item is dropped off at the nearest disposal/recycling site. Nigel Land North Lincolnshire UK