Rapallo probably is a made-up name, as someone posted. This bike is French, late 60's to early 70's, relatively high-end. The lugs, brazeons, and use of chrome are almost identical to the 1972 Follis model 172 (3 Tubes 531 DB) I have been riding a lot lately. I think this is a repainted Follis 172 or the equivalent model from Bertin or LeJeune. Probably not Peugeot, Motobecane or Gitane, since I don't think they were using brazeon top tube cable guides much in the early 70's.
Jerry Moos Big Spring, TX
L Travers <lat7575@swbell.net> wrote: I have yet to take possession of this frame, but the seller kindly took some more pics at my request. It looks interesting. Link below, look in Rapallo album
I am thinking early 70s?
Lynn Travers
Hazelwood, MO