re: [CR] Eisentrout for Sale

(Example: Events)

From: "Scott Peterson" <>
To: <>
Subject: re: [CR] Eisentrout for Sale
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 08:21:43 -0700
Thread-Index: AcZ7ziibsM2n7xP/RtKaBUWSvqwD9Q==

John -

After looking at your photos, I have to tell you that ain't no Limited. The lugs and seat cluster are all wrong (and finished WAY too nicely). What you've got there is a full-on custom Eisentraut signature model - one of the best frames ever built. Good thing it's not 10cm bigger, or I'd be getting myself in some pretty major trouble right about now.

Scott Peterson

Bend, OR

"three 'Trauts and counting"

Ps - that's Eisentraut with an "a", not an "o".