Re: [CR]Now SR date marks: was NR and SR Cranksets

(Example: Framebuilders:Alberto Masi)

From: "Eric Elman" <>
To: "Don Wilson" <>, "Classic Rendezvous" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Now SR date marks: was NR and SR Cranksets
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:34:07 -0400

NR and SR cranksets used the same crank arms and therefore had the same date markings. A diamond meant 1970's and the digit inside would be the year (i.e. a diamond with a 3 inside would be 1973) and a circle meant 1980's (i.e. a circle with a 3 inside would be 1983). Unmarked crank arms were made prior to about 1971 - I may be off by a year on this - anyone?

There were also square markings but I am unsure of what they represented.

Eric Elman
Somers, CT USA

----- Original Message -----
From: Don Wilson
To: Classic Rendezvous
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 4:40 PM
Subject: [CR]Now SR date marks: was NR and SR Cranksets

> John and/or Mike,
> Would there be different markings on NR and SR crank
> sets that would indicate age. I recall NR cranks had
> certain markings that indicated approximate age. Do SR
> cranks also have such markings. Or did they abandon
> such markings with SR cranks?
> --- John Thompson <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>> > Perhaps the answer is obvious but what are the
>> main differences between
>> > the NR and SR cranksets, apart from the
>> chainrings? Do they use the same
>> > 144 bolt circle?
>> The chainrings are the only difference between the
>> two cranksets. They
>> both use the same 144mm BCD, but the Super Record
>> rings don't have the
>> inner web.
>> The official, not-often-used and poorly-received
>> Super Record bottom
>> bracket used a titanium spindle (two different
>> designs, depending on
>> when they were made), though.
>> --
>> John (
>> Appleton WI USA
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