Also.........I have a mid 70's Colnago that was built for some team as a Sprinter's bike. The Seat Tube (and I assume the top and down tubes) are made from Columbus SP tubing which uses a 27.0 seat post as opposed to the 27.2 of most SL bikes. As Pogliaghi was building for racer types, someone may have wanted a stiffer ride and it could be SP as opposed to SL.
On 7/24/06, ternst <> wrote:
> Just to incite the Italophiles as to the perfection of all these classic
> on
> time line correct bikes, I submit the following.
> Back in the early '70's we were selling Pogies and got in three nice track
> framesets for three of our team riders.
> The three frames ALL had different seat post tube diameters on the same
> model frame which were in the same shipment!!??
> One each: 26.8, 27, and 27.2 mm.!!??
> So: My thought to the dilemma solution: Measure and buy the post you need
> and enjoy the machine.
> They ride / rode well and were made in the classic era of road racing
> geometry finalization for good handling and balance.
> This is also the time when all the colors on framesets, decals , cable
> housing, tape, toe straps, etc. all matched the jerseys for the Style
> Man's
> super look
> Ted Ernst
> Palos Verdes Estates
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>; <>
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 12:07 PM
> Subject: [CR]27.2 post won't fit in Pogliaghi
> > Howard, I have to assume that the frame doesn't take a 27.0 or smaller
> > seatpost, otherwise, seeing how you are a Yale grad, you would have
> > figured that out. So, since it must be a 27.2, then either 1) the
> opening
> > is ovalized; 2) you have one of those rare 27.2 seatposts that is
> slightly
> > oversized, or 3) there is corrosion or something else preventing the
> post
> > from going in the seattube. If it is 1), then I suggest you insert a
> 27.0
> > post to see whether the gaps around it are symetrical. If it is 2), I
> > suggest you use some elbow grease and steel wool to remove just a hair
> of
> > metal from the lower part of the seatpost, then use a thin coat of oil
> to
> > help the insertion process. If it is 3)a good polishing with fine
> > sandpaper around your finger should clean out the opening to the
> seattube.
> > There are hone tools that also do that, but most of us don't have them.
> > If none of this works, then a trip to the bike shop may be in order.
> Lou
> > Deeter, Orlando FL
> >
> >
> > You know you are an EXTREME Redneck when......
> >
> > You need one more hole punched in your card to get a freebie at the
> House
> > of Tattoos.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > To:
> > Sent: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 2:50 PM
> > Subject: [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 43, Issue 85
> >
> >
> > I have a Pogliaghi from what I am told is around 1970 (#9542). When I
> try
> > to
> > insert a seatpost size 27.2, which is probably from the 1980s, it will
> not
> > go.
> >
> > Any advice on what to do?
> >
> > Howard Bloch
> > Swarthmore, PA
> >
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Sadiq Gill
Richmond, VA